Angry confused. Upset

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 18, 2012
Hi all - first I'd like to apologise for being so reluctant to be here. I feel like a fraud and totally disrespectful to Crohns sufferers by even posting here. So I'm 32 and mum to 5 kids aged from 3 Months to 17yrs. My health has always been great til 18 months ago when I started having recurrent bouts of gastritis. Generally I'm a worrier and suffer from GAD , panic attacks and agoraphobia. I haven't always been this way - iv fell into it all after taking ill with a slipped disc 2 yrs ago. I ended up with a bad codeine addiction which cartied in thru my pregnancy. I blamed not putting weight on on this tho I was shocked to discover I was 5 stone lighter than my pre pregnancy weight only 4 wks after my last baby. I put this down to codeine / breastfeedi
Etc and was pleased as I was overweight to start with. So I started having blood and mucous stools last week. I usually have diorea and stomachs cramps at least 2 timed per wk for as llong as I can remember and iv never thought it unusual - just thot it was normal for me. Iv never had bloody stools b4 - until now and thought as I'd had my gallblader removed 12 yrs ago that it was the cause of my tummy troubles. Ok so since iv had my 5th baby and throughout my pregnancy iv had a major food aversion. I constantly feel full up- wrench at the sight of a plate full of food and have continuous luminous green diorea. My brother got diagnosed with crohns 3 wks ago and I feel so bad for hoping I don't. I'm terrified of getting my colonoscopy nxt wk/ iv not eaten In 4 days for fear of bleeding more and I'm so scared for my kids. My husband works abroad and iv no family to help me. What if I collapse from an massive bleed in front of them
The drugs you spoke of can do a number on your belly, so it may have aggrevated it. You may want to try a clear liquid diet for a few days to calm the belly, then slowly add back bland diet, etc...give the stomach a break and see if that helps. You have been given a sign of potential trouble, so make some changes to see if you can reduce symptoms and get back on track. Make sure you are taking vitamins and eating balanced. Probiotics will be a great addition to helping the belly. Good luck!
Hi all - first I'd like to apologise for being so reluctant to be here. I feel like a fraud and totally disrespectful to Crohns sufferers by even posting here. So I'm 32 and mum to 5 kids aged from 3 Months to 17yrs. My health has always been great til 18 months ago when I started having recurrent bouts of gastritis. Generally I'm a worrier and suffer from GAD , panic attacks and agoraphobia. I haven't always been this way - iv fell into it all after taking ill with a slipped disc 2 yrs ago. I ended up with a bad codeine addiction which cartied in thru my pregnancy. I blamed not putting weight on on this tho I was shocked to discover I was 5 stone lighter than my pre pregnancy weight only 4 wks after my last baby. I put this down to codeine / breastfeedi
Etc and was pleased as I was overweight to start with. So I started having blood and mucous stools last week. I usually have diorea and stomachs cramps at least 2 timed per wk for as llong as I can remember and iv never thought it unusual - just thot it was normal for me. Iv never had bloody stools b4 - until now and thought as I'd had my gallblader removed 12 yrs ago that it was the cause of my tummy troubles. Ok so since iv had my 5th baby and throughout my pregnancy iv had a major food aversion. I constantly feel full up- wrench at the sight of a plate full of food and have continuous luminous green diorea. My brother got diagnosed with crohns 3 wks ago and I feel so bad for hoping I don't. I'm terrified of getting my colonoscopy nxt wk/ iv not eaten In 4 days for fear of bleeding more and I'm so scared for my kids. My husband works abroad and iv no family to help me. What if I collapse from an massive bleed in front of them

:heart:First off, let me say welcome to the forum. We all have ah ha moments in life when we realize that things may not be as they seem. It happened to me when I learned I had kidney cancer in 2009. Whoever would've thunk it? Me," Miss healthnut" who eats so healthy and takes herbal supplements to prevent cancer? Me who is finally living the life God wants me to live and boom! That's when you have to put your trust somewhere besides yourself and what you thought you knew. Things in life are not ours to control. Only our creators. If you believe in him. I believe everything is for a reason. Even suffering. It humbles us and we learn who we really are and what we are made of. Donot be afraid! Fear makes everything worse.
I learned I had crohn's last August and have been up and down since then. I just posted about how much better I'm doing yesterday and today I've been on the loo as you would say, 6 times. I am surprised. I thought my new diet (SCD) was working and everything I'm taking too. Life has a funny way of working itself out though. My cancer is gone, in remission. I have a wonderful supportive husband who understands when I'm too tired to cook or do laundry or anything but sleep. Fibromyalgia attacks me here and there. The point is, we are all in this together and No matter what your diagnosis turns out to be, you will get better. Believe it. You will still have all your beautiful children who love you. You have us if you need support! God bless!:heart:

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