Another MRI

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Feb 9, 2009
Been to see gastro today started me back on vitamin d pleased otherwise, magnesium holding at the low end of the normal range and output reducing a bit. So he says he will send me an MRI appt in the coming month to see how fistulas look inside and if there is any sepsis or active crohns but hopefully not as last crp was 12 which all things considered isn't bad. So unroll then will just have to keep going!!
'Fun' in the tube I call em! At least things are improving for you. I think we should call you mr doublepoo though! (in the fondest way!)

Hopefully the MRI will show things are progressing to the point that they can consider a reversal for you sometime this year.
Hey Bigtruck (or doublepoo?) :)

Glad to hear that there might be some rainbow coloured hues in sight. Its been such a tough haul for you. Fingers crossed that the MRI confirms some good news for you. Dogs-alone knows you deserve some more positive news!

Well got MRI results and it shows that there is no sign of active disease or sepsis it also shows that pools of fluid in the pelvic area that where in the previous scan have also dried up, on the subject of the double poo the surgeon thinks the tract that runs from the large bowel towards pelvis that caused all the sepsis is situated just below where the loop stoma comes out. He says the tract is closed and even though some faeces is going down that way the stoma or should I say blow hole is keeping some of the pressure off to allow it to heal more. He doesn't want to close it for another few months to give it the best chance possible so it looks like its progress slowly but surely.
It's looking up, but I'm sorry that it is so slowly looking up.

Can you work now, perhaps just a few days a week to keep from going nuts?
Yes I think work is going to have to be considered but to pay the bills I think it's going to be more like 6 days a week!

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