Another period question .. somewhat concerned

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Sep 15, 2010
another period question .. somewhat concerned

hello all,

i've always had really irregular cycles.
Recently, my period came (69 days late).. although, im still not too sure if it was a proper period or not.. basically it was very weak spotting, on and off, for the duration of about 6 days.. when i say spotting i mean.. extremely weak.. mainly just there if i wipe or whatever.. after that disappearde, 16 days later, i started getting really bad cramps.. and i guess what you'd call my proper period.. the thing is.. it has been very heavy bleeding.. i haven't bled this much in years.. normally my periods are very weak and last 2-3 days.. it's already the third day and still LOTS of blood.

im just wondering if anyone else has ever had that... or does it sound like something i should be concerned about given i never have heavy periods + the pre 'spotting' ?? would it be normal to bleed a lot after missing your period for such a long time??

bit more background.. i'm 26, on prenisolone at the moment, have had cysts on ovaries in the past (shown up on CT scan) - i had it checked and it was fine.. that was about 5 years ago though..
I think you should definetely speak to your Dr about this and you Gyn.
However, I didnt have a period for 5 months after surgery and major pred. When I did finally have lasted 10 days and it was heavy for almost 7 days. Mind you I had a fistula through my left fallopian tube as well, that had to be surgically repaired.

Get checked out anyway. You should make sure its not entometriosis or something else! Have them also check for vitamin deficiencies.

Good luck,

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