ANOTHER question about coming off Prednisone

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Aug 16, 2009
So, I've been weaning off Prednisone. My last dose was last night. While I was weaning off (I can't remember what amount I had gotten down to), I began to develop a bit of a rash on the back of my neck. I also started getting itchy eyes, and styes on my eyes pretty frequently. I showed the rash to my GI doctor, but he said he didn't see much, and that it could be related to the pred, but he didn't elaborate. Is this a side effect of withdrawal from coming off of it? Or could it be from my Imuran? I didn't think it would be the imuran since I've been on it since May without any problems.

Oh, and my legs have been hurting since hitting the really low dose of pred. Is this also related to withdrawal? And how can I help with the pain? I take Ultram, but it doesn't seem to help much, nor does over the counter tylenol.

I think weaning off pred can create all sorts of symtpoms. My experience thus far has been quite nasty at times. I have been doing a slow taper since mid-july and am now on 7.5 mg. I am to drop 2.5 every 2-3 weeks. Down til 20 it was in 5mg lots. Ever since I went under 20 I have felt worse in general - more tired than ever. Also on the week of dropping I feel WAY worse. Really achey and fluey and exhausted and get quite depressed as well. As for the rash? I have alswys had quite rashy skin and while I was on the high doses all that cleared up but is coming back now in the same spots. Can't help you with a new rash!
Have you stopped entirely now? i expect it will get better over time once your body settles into it!
Can't comment on the rash, but I too found tapering to be a bit of a nightmare. I went through weeks of headaches and intense fatigue. Slower the taper, more tolerable the symptoms. I'd guess the rash has more to do with pred than imuran...but i'm no expert.
Thanks for the info, guys. Yes, I'm off the pred entirely, but I still have the rash, leg pain, and my eyes are really bothering me, being itchy and such. I've only been off it for about a week, though. So hopefully, I'll improve.
I definitely get some weird leg/joint pain when I get to low/zero doses. For me they go away after a week or two, I just endure the pain or take paracetamol.

My skin gets better on steroids so in that sense I guess it gets a bit worse when I come off - I wonder if for some people this effect could amount to a 'rebound' which might explain your rashes.

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