Another update

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 7, 2011
So we are meeting with the surgeon on Thursday to discuss the next step. Most recent letter said that crohns is causing problem at end of small bowel only and the biopsies show no crohns at the moment in the large bowel. So now we are off to discuss the op to take away the scarred bit and join together again. Scary thought but with kian not thriving etc we now think it's time to take this step. Xx
I know you tried all you could not get to this point but I know you'll be happy for your dear boy to get back to normal.
I pray all goes well.
Next step would have been infliximab but they said the mxt is doing its job, it's that one area which is narrowed that's keeping him back so really the only option I think now is to go for surgery....huge step but if that area is narrowed through scarring, no med would make a difference I guess? It also worrys me that his puberty would be delayed too as he will be 12 in February, theres been no weight gain for a long tme now even though he eats well and also drinks his enshakes with lots of extra icecream in it. I know surgery is a huge step and won't fix it all but it seems it's the only way forward now. Xxx