Anti inflammatory foods

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 6, 2011
Has anyone really tried eating only foods that are anti inflammatory? My husband has Crohns and is sick and tired of all the meds, he is on Imuran right now. Seems like the side effects from all these drugs are almost worse than the disease!
Hey Spooky, everyone is different, I'm sure you've heard that 1000 times, but if you search the threads on here, there is one that is a compilation of input from a lot of members/ nonmembers on trigger foods and non trigger foods. It's nice to take a peek at! Hope he gets his trigger food sorted out. Good luck!
Muah- hugs-
Well, I am a vegan and eat mostly vegetables which are mostly all anti inflammatory. I too was sick of all the side effects the harsh medicines gave me so I decided to control it through diet.

I do think many people could benefit from adopting an anti inflammatory DIET rather than just anti inflammatory supplementation. I believe he would see his symptoms subside if he were to truly do it.

This is not to say I believe your husband should abandon his medical regiment.

May I ask you what his diet is now? (please try to be specific)

HERE is a list of anti inflammatory foods to help get you thinking about diet options.

I too believe anti inflammatory diet will help. Look at incorporating juicing into his diet easy way to get bunch of anti inflammatory, alkaline foods into your system. Even if he only drinks a glass a day would be better than nothing.
I too am a vegan Gianni, and my husband sees how well I do on it, ( I do not have Crohns) so he has been really trying to eat well...but still too much sugar and meats, and both of those are very flammatory! I mean come on Crohns is an inflammation, why dont gastro's touch on that rather than trowing meds at you? I think people can control a lot with the foods they eat.
Yes it is very unfortunate that many doctors don't express the importance of diet even when it comes to inflammatory foods. To be fair these medical doctors don't learn the importance of nutrition or food when they get their doctorate therefore it is up to them to educate themselves, which rarely happens. My doctor is slowly becoming more aware of the power of foods. I appreciate him because he didn't discredit my treatment plan when I told him I wanted to go raw vegan to control my disease. Instead he listened and continues to acknowledge the power of food.

Unfortunately you have to be your own advocate much of the time when it comes to food, but fortunately he has someone like you to go on forums and research for him.

Get him off those sugars!

All the best

get your husband to take a couple of spoonfulls of manuka honey each day and watch as he improves in a daily basis. its unbelievable.
Avoiding grains, sugar and vegetable oils will eliminate most of the inflammatory foods,
you can tweak further but cutting these three will eliminate most of the inflammation.
possible exceptions are fruit in moderation if tolerated,and white rice if you feel you need extra carbs (but root vegetables are a safer bet)
He stopped the Imuran as he went downhill FAST and his Lipase levels sky rocketed, and got pancreatitus too... he has been off it and all meds now for about a month and is feeling much better and eating good wholesome foods.

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