I really don't know for sure about the GI and anxiety medication but it worth mentioning it to him/her. Worse case scenario, you will be referred to a more proper specialist or therapist.
As far as trick goes, it might be a bit hard over the internet but there are several way to manage anxiety crisis and diminish their intensity. Mostly its
cognitive behavioral approches, maybe have you heard of that? Here is a link with some good techniques:
It is not easy to do all that by yourself, especially when your mind is already racing. The key is to try and put a end to that race the hamster is taking in your head (that's how I visualise it).
So pretty much, you need to break the pattern that wants to settle if I may word it that way. You need to learn to be aware of what is making you anxious and to perceive the anxiety at it's very early signs (often we don't even see it coming). You want to avoid the negative inner speech which exacerbates the physiological response. Things you can do once you perceive that anxiety is getting to you are "basic" relaxation techniques.
I like what is called
cardiac coherence: it's a particular state of fluctuation in heart rate that balances the autonomic nervous system and emotional management. It's not random esoteric concept, it's recommended by psychologists and all. It is simple to do and it's something to add to a daily routine.
The site I like is in french and does not seem to have an english version but this is the direct link. The exercise is simple so i'll explain it here: you inhale when the yellow dot go up and exhale when it goes down. You focus on feeling your heart beat. There is a little mp3 thing. Thats the "hu" sound which on its own, is relaxing.
There are other techniques you can try but to me I had hard time doing it at first. You can, for instance, take a raisin (yes it sounds stupid but it's not) and then you look at it and analyse everything from it. All the component, the texture, the color, the way it feels if squished, how it feels when you roll it between your fingers, etc etc. You could do it with pretty much any object. The idea is to allow your brain to stop focusing on emotional thinking and break hamster race I was mentioning up.
Walking and really paying attention to everything while walking like, how your feet rolls against the ground, how the sun feels on your skin, how the noise of the wind that blows in the tree leaves, etc etc. Perceive all senses and try to focus on the "actual" feelings. All that with breathing exercise. The idea is the same as above.
I hope this may help you a bit. I wish you good luck with everything and I hope you will be able to get some relief soon. Get these emotions back on track!
Stay strong!