Can this be Crohn's, scleroderma, SLE or ???
I was dx with Fibromyalgia Syndrome in 1990. I was dx with IBS in the early 1980s. I have had 3 positive ana's for lupus. Each time, the doctors called it a false positive. I just got my blood work back once again, and this time the ana is positive for Nucleola pattern. The other 3 times it was speckled. I have a rash on my left hip for a year now. I have stomach pain coming and going. I havent had a decent bowel movement in a week. I do not know where else to turn. Please help me. 2 Aunts have died of bowel diseases. I am 47. Appt. with gastro in a week.This is the second time I have seen him. I had colonoscopy that came back IBS. It was done virtually, b/c I am on coumadin for artificial heart valve.
Can this be Crohn's, scleroderma, SLE or ???
I was dx with Fibromyalgia Syndrome in 1990. I was dx with IBS in the early 1980s. I have had 3 positive ana's for lupus. Each time, the doctors called it a false positive. I just got my blood work back once again, and this time the ana is positive for Nucleola pattern. The other 3 times it was speckled. I have a rash on my left hip for a year now. I have stomach pain coming and going. I havent had a decent bowel movement in a week. I do not know where else to turn. Please help me. 2 Aunts have died of bowel diseases. I am 47. Appt. with gastro in a week.This is the second time I have seen him. I had colonoscopy that came back IBS. It was done virtually, b/c I am on coumadin for artificial heart valve.