Any help?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 4, 2010
Can this be Crohn's, scleroderma, SLE or ???
I was dx with Fibromyalgia Syndrome in 1990. I was dx with IBS in the early 1980s. I have had 3 positive ana's for lupus. Each time, the doctors called it a false positive. I just got my blood work back once again, and this time the ana is positive for Nucleola pattern. The other 3 times it was speckled. I have a rash on my left hip for a year now. I have stomach pain coming and going. I havent had a decent bowel movement in a week. I do not know where else to turn. Please help me. 2 Aunts have died of bowel diseases. I am 47. Appt. with gastro in a week.This is the second time I have seen him. I had colonoscopy that came back IBS. It was done virtually, b/c I am on coumadin for artificial heart valve.

OK well first of all, welcome to the forums.

Secondly, any and/or all of the symptoms you describe could be any of the diseases you are asking about!

So, I have no

Hopefully someone else, or your GI, might have some better answers for you.

Good luck!
Hi Colleen and welcome!! Rashes, stomach pains and bm problems are all common symptoms I've seen on here. Virtual colonoscopy I'm guessing is the pill cam. I guess they saw something to dx IBS but did not get any biopsies. Did they prescribe any meds for the IBS? Good luck!! I hope you get some answers!!
Hi Colleen and :welcome:

Wow, you have been through a lot and this is going to be made all the more difficult due to the fact that, as the others have explained, the symptoms you describe are indicative of many autoimmune diseases. I'm sorry I don't have any answers for you but hopefully your GI will. I'm glad you found us and please keep us posted on how you go.

Welcome aboard!

All the best, :)
Hi Colleen
and welcome

I've no idea!
not familiar with some of the stuff you've mentioned!
how about a second opinion? another gastroenterologist? what are your symptoms of IBS?
use this table on this link below to compare

then go back, persist and insist!
any questions, fire away, always someone here to help
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Thanks for responding all! To answer some of your questions...I didnt have the pill cam...I had air blown up the anus and xrays and a cd made of my lower bowel (sigmoid). No biopsies were taken, but I am guessing the gastro next week will want to get a regular colonoscopy...And no I have not been put on any meds for Crohn's yet. I understand alot of the meds for Crohn's have SULFA in them. I am allergic to SULFA, so what meds could I take for this? Joan, thanks for the chart!
Hiya Colleen

Asacol is a sulfa free amnio salicylate, one of the 5ASAs, containing mesalazine, but no sulfa.
There is no sulfa in the cortico-steroid Prednisolone neither, they might start you on a short course of that.
good luck with the scope

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