Any ?s I should ask rheumatologist?

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May 23, 2011
Izz has been c/o back pain-
I took her to chiro in 2012 who told me L4 was out of alignment
I am making an appt with peds rheumatologist just to be certain there isn't something bigger going on; as she has few cd symptoms I am more inclined to believe it is weight/alignment related but I've been wrong before. ;)

Anything I need to know?
Does she have any swelling at the joints or skin issues?

I guess the most obvious question will be what would cause her L4 to be out of aliment.
Of course you know that not all docs believe in the chiropractic field (I DO!) but even if he/she doesn't still make them answer the question
Rheumo appt take about two hours
Wear loose fitting clothes typically shorts .
They will do all the moving of all joints
Keep a diary of when how etc her joints hurts
What makes them feel better or worse .

We love DS's Rheumo
My son's rheumatology appointments are 1 hour long and he also goes to a physiotherapist at the rheumatology clinic. I LOVE the physio. She has periodically taken very detailed measurements of the range of motion of all sorts of joints, we're talking even fingers and toes. It is great to get this done as you can then track any changes in joint function.

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