Anyone affected by alcohol?

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Apr 26, 2006
Does anyone have any problems with alcohol?

After my second resection I couldn't drink at all because everything tasted as if it was 'off' or rancid.

Now, whenever I drink I get chest pains as if I'm having a heart attack and the only relief I get is to lie on the floor until it passes.

As you can imagine I don't drink now unless I'm at home and the floor is clear. This isn't a joke! It really happens and it is quite scary.

Anyway, just wondering if this was peculiar to me (yes, I know, I can be classed as peculiar just on my or whether it happened to other people as well.

I get these pains too but not when i drink mine is due to vitamin B12 definency and anemia, might be worth checking these out.
Thanks Samantha, I already get b12 shots but these pains are only when I drink, no other time. I do get chest pains from joint inflammation in the upper chest in the breastbone area which I treat with aspirin. This flares up and down but is always inflammed, like my finger joints. The other pain I get knocks my breath out of me and hits about 2 minutes after I had alcohol. It's excruciating and hard to breath and then once it dissipates it's gone completely as if it never was there. I've had to stop drinking almost completely as it used to happen randomly, but is starting to happen with some regularity now.
Hi Lisa

Could this be a reaction with the meds you are on???? I've never experianced it myself or heard of it before. I think you should mention it to the dr to see what they think it could be.

All the best

Could it possibly be a liver, pancreas, or gallbladder problem you're having? I know I've read that alcohol can react badly with certain CD meds too, but I think if I were you, I'd ask my doctor about it or get it checked out. It doesn't sound like a normal type of reaction... unless maybe your body is just telling you, "don't drink!" LOL j/k

There's always the possibility that something else could be going on and you could be attributing it to CD or surgery etc.. When in doubt, get it checked out I always say.

I hope you can get to the bottom of things and find out what might be causing this strange reaction.

Best wishes and hugs!
I have problems after a binging session, the next day i have really bad tummy pains and sometimes the day after that as well. I still do it tho, when will I learn??

However that may be the bubbles in the beer not the alcohol, in which case I REALLY should switch to wine haha
I only have problems after drinking certain things so I tend to stick to white wine. It also makes me Ten pin bowl better as some of the others will agree LOL!!!!
I would like to say it doesnt bother me, but I think it prob does.
I passed out a couple of weeks ago, but not sure if it was the alcohol, or just the company. lol

p.s. I did notice when I was first on MTX injections that everything tasted rotten, especially meat and chicken, and I had a really hard time eating or drinking anything.. maybe it has something to do with the meds your on, and they might not be meant to mix with alcohol? chest pains dont sound great. be careful with it maybe?
im ok with alcohol but im not on any meds at the moment

im ok with wine and alcopops but if i start on vodka my stomach is soo bad, so ive learned to either avoid vodka or drink so much that i dont notice the pain
I am fine with wine (in small doses) but hard alcohol and beer do not agree with me. Beer will send me to the bathroom so quickly with stomach cramps and I usually end up vomiting! It also depends upon my meds at the time. Vodka and rum cause me to sweat and feel as if I am loosing my breathe but I think that is more the meds.

Alcohol makes my stomach hurt nearly instantly, nothing too bad at first but its definately there.
I also get the chest pains, sometimes quite severe to the point I cant breath all the never told me what that was, so like a lot of other things I ignore it.

Plus, alcohol just tastes nasty.. :)
I'm a beer fan :beerchug: but I'm off bear since my last flare up a month ago.
Now I'm afraid the bear might worsen my condition. I mean, if I should be careful with what I eat I suppose I also have to be careful with alcohol. :roflanim:
I've found the only thing that really makes things bad is beer. The clear liquors seem to be fine in small amounts.

All alcohol bothered me when I had a stricture, but since my resection, as long as I use it in monderation I seem to be fine.

As far as those chest pains go, are you on Flagyl by any chance? I had that happen to me on Flagyl with as little as a half a glass of wine, which my doctor said would be fine. I take those drug interactions VERY seriously now, even if my doctor says it's ok!
jlbastian said:
As far as those chest pains go, are you on Flagyl by any chance? I had that happen to me on Flagyl with as little as a half a glass of wine, which my doctor said would be fine. I take those drug interactions VERY seriously now, even if my doctor says it's ok!

I am taking Flagyl now myself, and my doctor said that alcohol in small doses would probably be alright, but more than a glass could cause pain. I am not in the mood for any more pain so I am just avoiding it now.
I love me some smooth Whiskey or a good Merlot.
Beer on the other hand... hates me and I hate it. So it's a mutual hatrad.
mikeyarmo said:
I am taking Flagyl now myself, and my doctor said that alcohol in small doses would probably be alright, but more than a glass could cause pain. I am not in the mood for any more pain so I am just avoiding it now.
I avoid any alcohol while on Flagyl, my doc and pharmacy say not to touch any kind of alcohol at all:nonono: and alcohol in general during a flare up for me causes me a few probs more pain, cramping, tummy grumbles, so I have to be off the flagyl and having a good day if I'm gonna enjoy some nice drinks:p :cheerss:
After alcohol i seem to flare if i drink like 2 times a week it gets me.Once a week and i mabye survive it.I was on Flagyl and i hated it the last 2 week course i was on.Headaches and fevers .I never mixed alcohol with it but Flagyl for me is a no no.

Id say alcohol helps you flare up a great deal as it just weakens your defenses and as your liver works harder and your bloods are filled more with the bad stuff you defenses are kapoot and your alot more open to infections.My doc told me that lol.Pretty easy to figure out though .

So im trying to cut down big time on alcohol and also get a good diet going .
I had 1 beer last night, and just want to lie down all day. lol
so Im off to find a sunbeam, and hope that helps.
I'm lucky - alcohol doesn't seem to affect me at all. I don't really drink, but having just been on a 2 week All Inclusive would have been rude not too :)
i had a wee bit this weekend and not sure if its a coincedence but ive been sore this weekend ill have to test it some time to see if there is a link..... i havent had that much alcohole since going on the meds and i wasnt even drunk
When I drink generic beer (i.e. Yuengling - oh crap, wait.)

OK, some background. Yuengling is an incredible beer made in Pottsville, PA. If you live outside of the Jersey/PA/DE/MD area, you may not know about it. I think it's moving south, west, and north, but not sure at what rate. You can get it by simply walking up to the bar and saying "I'd like a lager please" and they know what you want.

So yeah, if I drink Yuengling, I'm all good. Even mix in some Jager or Jameson irish whiskey, still fine. Vodka based drinks as well as rum agree with me as well.

It's the microbrews that get me. Anything that is "hoppy" or heavy like that and I'm done the next day. I have such assplosions that it's almost embarrassing. It takes a lot to embarrass me with the crohn's. Too bad I really enjoy a good microbrew. I make it so hard on the crohn's.
Yes alcohol bothers me. Especially beer. The past eight months I was having the occassional alcoholic beverage once or twice a month, and "surprise" a flare up! SO, I just spent the last two months flaring with Ulcerative colitis. Now, I am flare up free, and will not be touching alcohol anymore. For it is not worth it for me. And I know myself, I can always go out and have a great time, sober or otherwise.
Rather be and stay healthy.
For me, alcohol is a no no. After my last op, when they told me I was cured, I started brewing a couple of batches of wine... Now I got over 6 dozen bottles of wine, and I can't touch a drop... You talk about hell on Earth.. My other fav beverage is Clancy's Amber Ale... simply the best beer ever made... Same story, I canna drink a drop. I've heard there are 2 reasons:
1st: alcohol in any form is diuretic.. causes dehydration. Dehydration causes
pain in bowel to increase... 2nd: (and I'm not sure if I agree/accept this) but
yeast used in forming alcohol is a feast for those nasty bacteria in the bowel,
(not to mention increase is gas).. Unless all yeast in the brew of your choice is dead, you're asking for trouble... NOW, some say that there are alcohols made w/o yeast... RUMOURED to be vodka, tequila, and some American beer.
So they're supposed to be easier on your system, if you allow for re-hydration
(WARNING:) This last bit is all hearsay and rumour, it's not medical science...
HOWEVER, if anyone out there can substantiate the bit about yeast free beer
or whatever, then I'm all ears. It would be nice to drink occasional one, even if it's an (uggh) American beer..

Hi - I noticed that this was happening to me about a month ago, every sip of alcohol I took tasted bad (rancid) and I wouldnt finish it. Or if I finished it I would have a lot of pain. Turns out I had gallstones from the Chrons and everytime I drank it brought on a gallbladder attack, the only relief I got was by laying on the floor as well but then this stopped working. I ended up having my gallbladder removed 2 weeks ago because of this and now I can drink small amounts of alcohol without a problem. Hope this helps, might be worth looking into.
When I drink I drink and I don't get sick... I became a pro back in high school before most people had their first beer in college...

What I do... I get a bottle of mid to high grade vodka (Schirnoff or Absolute)... I Can't affored Grey Goose or Belvider... These past few times I have gotten vodka that has a vanillia tint to it... So look for Smirnoff Vanillia Vodka or Absulote vanillia vodka..

You then take a small glass and place 3 cubes of ice in that glass... You then feel that glass full of vanillia flavored vodka... You then drink that glass in about 15 min to 1 hour...

Next you take your same glass... Remember 3 cubes of ice... And feel it back up with vanillia vodka... Feel fre to drink on this drink for about 2 hours...

That's what it takes to get me drunk... I only do this maybe once or twice a year...

I also had no signs or symptoms of active chron's inflamtion at that time...

Meds I was on was just Imuran 100 mg once a day...

And Zoloft 200 mg taken as 100 mg in morning and 100 mg at night...
but with alchol... So if I had started drinking that night I wouldn't take the 2nd zoloft pill...

Granted I also brought my vitamens with me which helped A TON... You just don't even begin to realize all the vitamens you pee out when you drink like that...

Also I stay awake until I feel somewhat sober... I then eat something light and drink some milk... And I never ever ever get a hangover and I do not feel sick the next day... Granted last DragonCon 05 I did this 3 days in a row... I just felt a little tired and I had funcky green colored diereha by the end of the con...

Granted the tired part was from dancing with two chicks for 3 and a half hours the night before...
jlbastian said:
I've found the only thing that really makes things bad is beer. The clear liquors seem to be fine in small amounts.

same here, long as i go easy on it... i have had some bad experiences tho, before i got diagnosed i went drinking with some guys from the football team and well, the next day i thought i was going to die. on one occassion i threw up about a pint of blood and then on another time my kidneys shut down, so both were crazy insane painful so i try to stay away from drinking as much as i can, sometimes tho i`ll have a glass of read wine
Before I had my illeostomy. I could drink just about anything without too much fizz. I drink wine and had many merry evenings without any side effects, apart from a stonking hangover the following morning. Since the illeostomy, I can only drink a glass of wine and I feel merry, my output is really watery and overall its just not worth it. So at the mo I am almost teetotal, I have plenty of catching up to do once I have my reversal though.
