Anyone dragon boat?

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Jun 19, 2017
Wondering if anyone has had experience dragon boating with Crohn's. Curious if it will cause a flare. It's fairly intense practices but only twice a week for an hour and the races are short 3 minute sprints. I am concerned that the nerves before a race will cause a flare and the short but all out intensity of the actual race could do damage as well.
I believe running tabata sprints brought on a flare in September and stress brought on the latest one in March.
Hi Danielle,

I don't dragon boat but I can tell you that any exercise that involves stomach muscles is no good for me. And the same goes for any intense excercise, it just doesn't do me any good. I walk in the hills and that's really all I can do safely.
Sorry! It doesn't have to be the same for you of course but the fact that you're here asking probably means that you've noticed negative effects....
I dragon boated for about 3 years up to my latest bowel op. Racing usually isnt a problem as races are spaced out over the course of the day. Training can be very physically demanding depending on (1) how your coach wants you to train and (2) whether you're training to compete or just for fitness. At the pointy end of our season we trained 4 times per week, often doing back to back practice races with little recovery time. Nutrition and rest is super important and if you've had a crappy night sleep for example training will be even more intense. You'll know if you've overdone it