Anyone else have this?

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Jan 6, 2010
Okay, so I've talked enough about my experiences with pain and the big D.

But, there's something else that doesn't TOTALLY fit with that. Does anyone else experience small, super HARD balls of stool that are ridiculously hard to pass? For me, it seems like I get them, and right after they pass, a HUGE gush of D hits, and the waves keep coming for a little while afterward.

It's not every time, but enough that I've taken notice of. It's like, I KNOW I have to go, and I struggle to do so. Finally, a couple of those super hard little balls of poo pass, and then the D is just overwhelming afterward.
I get it occassionally, although I don't know what necessarily triggers it.

That's why my middle son, who is having bowel issues, was put on a laxative even though he has D, is because the doctor thinks he may be chronically constiptated and the only thing that can squeeze through is liquid.
I had those when I was flaring. Constantly felt the need to go but could only get little pebbles out. It can mean you are constipated, even with the D coming afterwards!
I had alternating bouts of runny stool/cramping than I would not poop for three or four days. Finally i would pass one of those bricks with enough blood to scare the heck out of me.(not talking blood on the tp) They would only come at the same time if I ate something to cause D while I was in the middle of a constipation cycle.

Pretty much fixed now. But that is why I have to pay so much attention to what I eat. Otherwise I go right back to that kind of cycle.
Oh yes, I refer to those as "mud slides" cuz there's those hard round poops and then the water D or softer mush like D all in one sitting...I've even had the hard little poops come out with the water D at the same time...mud slides.

It goes with the territory, don't know if food/diet has anything to do with it or what, chalk another one up for the nature of the beast.

I don't have this often and it's been a few yrs since it's happend but it's definitely happend on more than one occassion.

Thought I was the only one
finding this forum has opened my eyes an taught me alot

I'd be relaxing then all a sudden I'd be rushin for the loo only too pass a small amount of D then strain like mad to pass somethin like a pea then the flood of bloody D jus follows for what seems like hours

i was takin imodium or lomatil too stop it
maybe that was makin it worse

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