Anyone get low back pain and leg pain?

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Nov 28, 2009
Just wondering because I am going to the GI today and want to mention this. My low back hurts and sometimes the side of my leg. Not sure if its Crohn's realted.
I do because of my autoimmune inflammatory arthritis that primarily attacks my spine, SI joints, hips (and every other joint, cartilage, ligament, etc to a lesser degree) but I've heard plenty of IBD folks list back pain as a part of their IBD symptoms.
hi before I had surgery I had back pain and referred pain into the front of my right thigh due to the inflamation in the RLQ. I still get occasional stiffness in the back (not leg) and not so much pain now since the surgery. Joint pain is quite common with crohns.
I get low back pain, and down the outside of my legs since the surgery (resection) I had in Aug 10, never had it before that so im assuming its from the crohns, since mine was not active before that.
i sometimes get back pain but its more like dull kidney pains but its passes although its probably de-hydratition.