Anyone Gone to a Naturopath?

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Feb 2, 2012
I was wondering if any of you have taken your kids to a naturopath. My husband is eager to try this after a co-worker with UC had some fabulous results. If we do try any naturopathic treatments they will be in conjunction with any conventional treatments we are doing. I have to say that I am a HUGE skeptic. Just doesn't seem like there is any sound science behind any of it. Can anyone convince me otherwise?
When Stephen was first diagnosed, we did visit one but I wasn't very impressed. She did some sort of food sensitivity testing using some sort of electric sensor on Stephen's fingers??? And then gave me a list of 'sensitive' foods and some natural supplement which, when I read up on, strengthened the immune system (wasn't sure that strengthening the immune system was a good idea?!). Also tried to research the 'electric sensor' and found very little data and what I found indicated that there was no scientific basis for the testing/results.

Having said all this, I would give it another try but only after a bit more research into the background and expertise of the naturopath.
I have talked to one but they aren't covered under insurance here...I am somewhat skeptical myself
Went to one once but ended up with this foul smelling brown liquid which was supposed to be so good for Andrew. Was too nervous to actually give it to him (what a waste of money ;)).
I guess if you could go to someone recommended maybe it would be ok, but I am always nervous about what is in the "remedies" they give you!
Not here. While I do believe that many complementary treatments have a place beside conventional treatments I personally wouldn't rate naturopathy amongst them.

Dusty. xxx
I think Kev would be a good person to talk to about this, and I'm considering seeing one myself although like its been said they aren't covered by insurance. I want to go on LDN and a lot of naturopath doctors have no problem prescribing that where as other doctors are hesitant because they don't consider it to be proven.
We went to an MD that offered many hollistic/alternative treatments. While I do not regret giving his treatments a try, we spent a few thousand dollars out of pocket without any results. (to be fair ... we have not had any results with conventional treatments either!) He also offered food allergy testing and an array of non-standard blood testing. The treatments we tried were many supplements sold by the doctor for convenience ;) (Vit D, L-glutamate, Omega 3, priobiotic, etc.), diet changes along with books also sold by the doctor for convenience ;) (dairy-free, gluten-free, & SCD), LDN & even an IV Vit C treatment (for which our GI said we were nearing voo doo and recommended against it).
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I know a lady that's taken her daughter to one several times. Each time she comes out with a list of supplements to put her on. She's probably on about 10 things right now....all things I can't pronounce much less spell :). They also do SCD diet and LDN and her daughter still has issues and is not in remission.

I think there can be value in Naturopath but I personally wouldn't consider it over conventional medicine for something as serious as Crohn's. Having said that, if someone highly recommended a Naturopath who they have used and trusted, I might consider it in conjunction with his current doctor.

Our head is always spinning isn't it. I feel like I breathe, eat, and sleep crohn's 24/7.
Its tough to find any good doctor regardless if they are a MD, ND, or whatever fancy initials they want to use that actually knows how to properly treat crohns. If your husbands coworker has had success with one why not go to the same one, he might be the rare breed that actually knows what to do.
I've never been to a naturopath. I have been to a chiropractor (with amazing results no GP was ever able to equal, or even come close). When I first considered taking a friends advice about the chiropractor (their take on it was.. you've been to doctors for years with absolutely no results; the chiro is covered by your insurance, what do you have to lose) my girlfriend at the time, who was an MD, denounced all chiropractors as quack medicine AND potentially dangerous. Being your typically stubborn male, I went anyway. Immediate results, AMAZING results. So, I became a firm believer in chiros, with the caveat that they are no different than any other profession, good ones and bad ones. So, patient beware. As for naturopaths, I have absolutely no experience, but I believe that, logic and common sense not out the window, there are very probably good ones and bad ones. As for whether they constitute real doctors, I happen to know a cardiologist (tho not well). He considers almost ALL other doctors just quacks.
If what you/yours are doing for Crohns is not working, and there is no precipitous spiral downward (like a runaway rollercoaster) then it might be worth investigating this venue.
When I started on LDN, the vast majority in the medical world considered it totally quack science. Thank God I found one who didn't. It's a shame that so many still do.
Science trained person here as well.
So not going to happen.

not that there would not be the potential there but in others areas ( food allergies) I have seen/heard/known of dangerous things being suggested by naturopathic docs to parents who didn't "know" any better. So I am a little jaded.
Okay so scratch the idea of me going to see one lol. Not after these comments. I just figured I'd have a better chance of getting LDN from one but I'll find another doctor to do so.
Thank you all for your posts. I too have a science background and as a result find it impossible to take naturopaths seriously. I was hoping that someone would try to convince me otherwise but you are all too smart and rational!

Sorry to ruin naturopaths for you KWalker.

Now I just have to convince my husband that this isn't a path worth considering... He is desperate to get our son better and his well meaning co-worker leading him astray.
It sure is easy to start grasping at any opportunity to make our kids well! :( While I certainly wasn't impressed at all with the naturopath Stephen and I visited (and she was highly recommended :eek:), I do think a naturopath's knowledge/perspective could be useful, as would the knowledge/perspective of a dietitien. However, I think the tricky part is finding a naturopath who has specific knowledge of crohns related issues, not a naturopath-of-all-trades.

(But, would never overrule a GIs or other doctor's recommendation with that of a naturopath...)
I saw one while on Cimzia, Imuran and Apriso. They weren't working and I was desperate. He put me on 3-4 supplements and a very strict elimination diet for several weeks (and I did not stop my traditional meds). I noticed NO improvement whatsoever. I slowly added food back and dropped the supplements as I ran out and nothing changed. It was a waste of time and about a grand. But at least I can say I tried it.
A grand?! Geez!
Thanks for sharing, though. I think some things can be managed to some point naturally. After all, many drugs are derived from nature. That being said, I believe that when we have hit Crohn's with all of these top of the line drugs and they aren't working, nature ain't gonna help. ;)
Yep! Still do... kinda.

Without any warning, my daughter was hospitalized last summer. The second colonoscopy results left her with a diagnosis of acute colitis and we thought we were home free. A few weeks later, the effects of the Prednisone hit so we were surprised when they labeled it as fibromyalgia. Ever since, she has had major bodily pains yet no FM treatments have worked. I just couldn't buy it because it seemed more like a "miscellaneous, we can't figure it out" label.

So I started taking her to a naturopath about 1.5 hours from home. I had been fighting a lung issue myself for two years, one the pulmonologists couldn't resolve, so I figured I'd try her too. She uses the ASYRA and I thought the whole thing seemed a little hokey, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

The best thing that came out of it was the Stress & Adrenal she recommended. Within days, my daughter was sleeping (and eventually dreaming again!) and no longer wringing her hands and stretching her ankles. She also stopped complaining about the angst she'd been feeling. There were also bottles and bottles and bottles of supplements and an incredibly strict diet. I think we were both so excited about the possibility of a resolution that we jumped in with both feet. Her GI doc didn't care if she did it because he said there was no evidence that the supplements make it past the stomach acid, and every doctor she's seen has recommended a stricter diet. But about two months later, my daughter started bleeding again and we couldn't get it to stop with the natural meds. The third colonoscopy said IBD with granulomas so it looks like Crohn's is in the air. We finally went back to the old Western meds and she's on Asacol again, awaiting approval for Humira.

It does look like she's cured my lung problems. WOOHOOOO! As far as my daughter, she stopped taking everything (she was fed up with so many drugs). A few days later, the angst returned so she opted to go back on the Stress & Adrenal. That stuff is amazing!

We will probably return for our May appointment but it really looks like we'll have to go the traditional route. Bummer dude. =(
I've been looking for a doctor in the Phoenix area with an Asyra. Can you please let me know who you and your daughter saw?
That was a really old post-
You may want to start your own thread and re ask the question with phoenix and Asyra in the title. maybe the treatment forum
since most parent here( not all) use primarily western medicine to treat crohn's.
I know in the adult section of treatment forum there are more than a few who tried naturopathy.
Maybe they could help
We took Ryan to one last year. He did feel better but I think that had a lot to do with the Paleo like diet he had him on and not the dozen supplements he was taking...and in the background his inflammation markers actually got worse. Some of the practices were a little odd (like the allergy testing), but I can say we did learn a lot of things about diet that we still use. But I could have learned those things online.