Anyone had flap surgery that can help?

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Jan 6, 2014
Okay, so I had 3 setons removed and advancement flap surgery on july 1st. I feel like the first week and a half I felt pretty good. But I was also just laying around in bed and on the couch all day and night. So this week I started moving around more, and I have had some more "pain". Its not really pain so much as a pressure like feeling that seems like its in the location of where the surgery was. Its also draining some yellow stuff throughout the day. After I have a BM in the morning, I feel a little more pressure. I have an appointment next friday, but I called this morning to see if I can get in sooner, and of course my surgeon is out of town until next friday. So there goes all hopes of comfort. I was hoping maybe someone on here could tell me if this was normal or not? or if they have had a similar experience. Thanks guys!
Hi there :)
I had flap surgery on July 21st, however after 3 days I realised it was unsuccessful as my fistula started leaking worse than ever. But even after almost 2 weeks I still feel pressure inside & around the fistula. I believe some drainage would be normal but it is very obvious in my case that the flap hasn't held in place. My bowels have been stirred up I believe from the poking & prodding & it has been quite a bad dragging pain at times, especially seeing as tho I'm going to the toilet 8-9 times a day. I am seeing my surgeon again on Monday to discuss what the next move is, as all meds have failed to close my fistula.
Good luck with yours and I really hope your surgery has been sucfessful
Thanks for your response! Im sorry that you are having so much trouble. I hope that on Monday you will find something that will work for you! Im sure you are so frustrated by now. I saw the surgeon a week ago and he said everything looks good so far. My next appointment is on friday and that will be about 6 weeks out. Im hoping for good news. Good luck at the doctor on Monday! <3
I know this is old post but I've recently had an advancement flap. I was wondering if you were prescribed antibiotics after the surgery? Also were you allowed to take a sitz bath?
Hi wmfwall. I was reading through my posts to try to remember. I have my success story on here under surgeries, success stories, and then it's the one that say advancement flap surgery Tuesday finally, or something like that. I did find that he told me not to take a site bath at first and then about 3.5 weeks out (according to what I wrote) he said it was okay. As for antibiotics, something is telling me he didn't prescribe them to me. I was in the hospital for some days after the surgery and I know they were giving me meds in the hospital. I'm resistant to either cypro or flagyl. I know one of the surgeries I wasn't prescribed anything and I was surprised and something is making me think it was the flap surgery. When did you get yours?
Thank you for responding! I've just gotten my flap surgery 2 days ago. My CRS told me not to take any sitz bath and didn't prescribe me any antibiotics which kinda surprised me.
Even though the threads might be old, it still shows up in my email that someone posted. So that's good! Yah in 100% sure he told me not to take site baths. I'm not too sure about the antibiotics but if he didn't prescribe them to you then maybe he didn't to me. I just remember my husband and I thinking it was so weird there were no antibiotics during one of the surgeries. Do you have crohns? How many setons did they take out?
I believe I don't have crohn's. They took out one seton and did the surgery there. I still have another seton due to another fistula.

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