hello, is there anyone else here from Toronto? i am a 29 year old single woman, no kids... i work full-time and go to school part-time.
i'm trying to find a local buddy who 'gets it'... i don't necessarily need to sit around talking about crohn's all day, but when i was in the hospital, on the GI floor with other patients going through similar issues... there was just this unspoken understanding/bond, though this was just in passing, saying a simple 'hello... good luck'
i'm at the point where i'm feeling more and more alone. even though i have people in my life that care about me, i feel like i can't talk to anyone about this crohn's thing....here's why:
-can't talk to my friends about it much, cuz they truly don't 'get it' and i don't wanna be a complainer or depressing...
- can't talk to family members, especially not my mom, cuz even with basic updates, she's super worried about me... i'm her only child. i don't like to make my mom worry about me.... she also lost her father a few months ago, so she's extra scared about my well being... my mom also doesn't get it.
- can't talk about it to coworkers, since it's quite personal... and even though we're a tight team and i feel they are supportive of me, i don't think it's appropriate to get into too many details about my health, plus i don't want them to feel sorry for me or think i'm incapable of doing my job.
i'm also very embarrassed to have to always mention yet AGAIN 'oh i'm sorry, i have an appointment this week blah blah'.... i take transit and it takes EXTRA time traveling back n forth, and is quite exhausting. (i'm sick of these appointments).
- i won't even tell acquaintances who seem cool or seem like i could get closer to them, because i'm embarrassed. there i said it. i'm embarrassed to say i have crohn's to certain people in my life (especially men), because i realize they'll simply run to google and see how gross this disease is... and think the worst... even though my case isn't quite you're typical crohnie. again, they won't 'get it'
this forum has been cool. lots of supportive, informative and helpful people. yes i can relate to some things here... but honestly, the forum thing isn't my style. as you can see, i type WAY too much it's hard for me to sum up my thoughts or feelings more concisely... i just don't feel comfortable expressing everything i'm going through by using text.... and although you're all pretty cool... you're just text on a computer screen.
i'm gonna try to go to a support group. but they only happen once a month, not sure if that's what i need. but i'll try it.
so now i have written my weekly crohn's forum novel entry. lol, doubt anyone will read it all.... please if you live in toronto don't be scared away by my long post!!!
i'm trying to find a local buddy who 'gets it'... i don't necessarily need to sit around talking about crohn's all day, but when i was in the hospital, on the GI floor with other patients going through similar issues... there was just this unspoken understanding/bond, though this was just in passing, saying a simple 'hello... good luck'
i'm at the point where i'm feeling more and more alone. even though i have people in my life that care about me, i feel like i can't talk to anyone about this crohn's thing....here's why:
-can't talk to my friends about it much, cuz they truly don't 'get it' and i don't wanna be a complainer or depressing...
- can't talk to family members, especially not my mom, cuz even with basic updates, she's super worried about me... i'm her only child. i don't like to make my mom worry about me.... she also lost her father a few months ago, so she's extra scared about my well being... my mom also doesn't get it.
- can't talk about it to coworkers, since it's quite personal... and even though we're a tight team and i feel they are supportive of me, i don't think it's appropriate to get into too many details about my health, plus i don't want them to feel sorry for me or think i'm incapable of doing my job.
i'm also very embarrassed to have to always mention yet AGAIN 'oh i'm sorry, i have an appointment this week blah blah'.... i take transit and it takes EXTRA time traveling back n forth, and is quite exhausting. (i'm sick of these appointments).
- i won't even tell acquaintances who seem cool or seem like i could get closer to them, because i'm embarrassed. there i said it. i'm embarrassed to say i have crohn's to certain people in my life (especially men), because i realize they'll simply run to google and see how gross this disease is... and think the worst... even though my case isn't quite you're typical crohnie. again, they won't 'get it'
this forum has been cool. lots of supportive, informative and helpful people. yes i can relate to some things here... but honestly, the forum thing isn't my style. as you can see, i type WAY too much it's hard for me to sum up my thoughts or feelings more concisely... i just don't feel comfortable expressing everything i'm going through by using text.... and although you're all pretty cool... you're just text on a computer screen.
i'm gonna try to go to a support group. but they only happen once a month, not sure if that's what i need. but i'll try it.
so now i have written my weekly crohn's forum novel entry. lol, doubt anyone will read it all.... please if you live in toronto don't be scared away by my long post!!!
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