Hello Jason. I started Remsima (new brand name for remicade) about two months ago. Dose one, another two weeks later and my third will be 4 weeks from then. Then I (hopefully) will only need it every 8 weeks. Before that I tried methotrexate injections (made me miserable, nauseous, depressed, tired), azathioprine (much the same), and some other pill, can't remember the name. It's been a long road but I'm really hopeful about remicade, it's transformed my quality of life. Now I'm able to be active, concentrate, sleep, and get away with eating most things (BUT fats, acidic food, red meat, sugar, alcohol, refined things in moderation). I drink about 2 litres of water every day. I prob shouldn't self medicate but, I stopped taking budesonide steroids because I didn't feel I needed them. If I feel a flare coming on I'll pop one to ease the pain / symptoms. But I basically have only flared twice in total since starting this treatment. Which is a brilliant result. I really hope my bloods come back confirming its effectiveness so I can stay on this. I haven't been feeling symptomatic so this must be what normal feels like. Now I'm looking forward to my wedding in August when, only a few weeks ago, I could barely function. Hope your treatment goes well. To get back to your initial post, I do feel a twinge / a little more Crohn's-Y when I'm due an infusion. 3,4 days prior. Take care M[emoji106][emoji119][emoji1325]