Anyone tried a Transitional Care Hospital or Long-Term Acute Care Hospital?

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Mar 3, 2014
I was diagnosed with CDIFF last month and, as a result, I wasn't able to take my Crohn's Disease medication (Entyvio). Being a month late caused my Crohn's Disease to flare up and I was admitted to the hospital. They couldn't get it under control but they discharged me after 7 days, despite the fact that I felt just as awful as when I got there and I was vomiting after every meal. My GI doctor didn't want me to be discharged if I couldn't keep food down, but the hospitalist insisted.

The hospitalist said their hospital was only an acute care hospital and they couldn't just keep me there for longer than a week unless it was a life-threatening situation. He recommended that I go to a transitional-care hospital/long-term acute care hospital that could help me longer and that specializes in medically complex cases (since I've had the CDIFF and Crohn's as well as multiple pulmonary embolisms and three months ago I had a seizure that fractured 3 vertebrae in my back). Has anyone here been to one of these long-term hospitals? It sounds like the average stay is 20-25 days and they put together a treatment plan to keep you from having to be continually admitted to acute-case hospitals (I have been hospitalized every month recently). This is all new to me - I thought a hospital was a hospital, but I'm open to the idea if this helps. I'm so tired of feeling awful, I'd try anything at this point. I'd love to hear what you all think and if anyone has experience with one of these places?

Thank you. I hope you have a great day!
Welcome. I have never even heard of a hospital like you mentioned. When I h@d pancreaitis and it had already been planned for me to have a resection because of the Crohn's disease, I was in the hospital from the end of March until April twenty second.
I had never heard of it either, I thought a hospital was just a hospital. Then, when they discharged me after 7 days and I still wasn't doing better, that's when they brought up this option and explained that they couldn't help me further because they're an acute-care hospital. I have multiple health issues (Crohn's, recurrent CDIFF, multiple pulmonary embolisms, and three fractured vertebrae in my back due to a seizure), so perhaps that's why I'm just now hearing about this. Years ago, I only had the Crohn's so a regular hospital could get the job done, I suppose.
Yeah, I contacted my primary care doctor and GI doctor to see if they feel this is right for me considering my numerous ailments. They'd be the ones to refer me anyway, so we'll see what they say.

If anyone else has been to one of these hospitals (or knows someone who has), I'd love if you could weigh in your experience and whether you think it could help given my history/current issues. Thank you!
I was in an acute care hospital for six weeks seven years ago because of an abscess they couldn't drain. They waited for it to burst, and then I had surgery to clean it out. My doctors did not want me to go home, so I then went to a long term care hospital for 3 1/2 months. I had to get the abscess wound packed several times a day until it closed, because it would get soiled. I also had IV antibiotics four times a day, and they only do it at home for three times a day. I also got physiotherapy while I was there. The average age of people there was around 80, so I felt kind of out of place, but they got me back on my feet and back home. Your stay wouldn't be as long, I'm sure.

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