Anyone with pain or issues with CECUM area?

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Mar 6, 2011
I have a colonoscopy on Friday so I should find out soon, but just wondering if anyone on here has had issue with the Cecum area. I have a very tender spot on my right lower abdominal, my first doctor thought it was my appendix but CAT SCAN was fine...after looking at a picture of the digestive system today I am think maybe it is my was very tender today with the GI pushed on it!

Thanks fro the input : )
When I was first diagnosed, all my active disease was confined to my terminal ileum / cecum. I waited WAAAY too long before going to the doctor, so after my first colonoscopy i was told that my ileocecal valve was strictured to about 2mm diameter. Needless to say, I eventually had surgery, and they took out about 6in of intestines - 3in of ileum and 3in of cecum.

As with you, I initially presented with symptoms of appendicitis (although I had waited so long, my CT was inconclusive because they couldnt see through all the pus). It wasnt until after my colonoscopy that they confirmed crohn's disease.

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