Appointment With University Specialists -What To Expect

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Sep 4, 2013
So I am being referred to University of Maryland Crohn's and Colitis specialists. Can anyone comment on their experience with specialists? Will they repeat all of the testing I've had previously with my GI? Will they accept previous test results? If they suggest further testing can my current GI doctor perform them or will everything have to be done there?

The specialists are about an hour away in the city of Baltimore and it's not convenient dealing with the traffic and distance to see them on a regular basis, however it can be done.

Any comments appreciated. I'm still waiting for them to call me with an appointment time.
They shouldn't have to repeat tests, but might order new ones. I go to a specialist hospital and tend to have tests done there, it is about two hours from where I live so not much fun when I have had prep. Going to a specialist centre has kept me alive for the last 30 years. I hope all goes well.