Are my symptoms because of a vitamin deficiency?

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Aug 26, 2013
I was diagnosed with Crohn's a couple of years ago and since my first diagnosis I have never had any vitamin tests done, nor has my GI ever recommended any. Now, I am experiencing troubling symptoms which I believe to be a result
of a vitamin deficiency, including tingling in my legs when I am in bed at night, hair thinning and an itchy head (which has been a problem for the last two or so years), brain fog, fatigue, and bloating. My best guess is that it is a B12
deficiency, which seems common in crohn's patients. Of course I am self-
diagnosing myself but do you guys think this to be correct? Are there any other
vitamin deficiencies to be concerned about in this case?

(Many Thanks from Japan)
Hi Slamjona89 and welcome to the forum! :D

I'm not sure about all of those being related to a vitamin deficiency but many of them could be. The forum wiki lists just about all the vitamin deficiencies and their symptoms here:

Before supplementing with anything it would be best to have blood work done to make sure if you're deficient or low in any. This will not only help you know what needs to be supplemented but how much and even how you need it administered (pill, liquid, injection or infusion). Your GI doctor can order these blood tests or even your regular doctor. If/when you start supplementing you'll want to test again in about a month or longer to see if there was any improvement and see if you need to use more or have it administered differently. Blindly supplementing certain ones can be harmful so that's why its best to test your levels before beginning.

"Yes, if you're routinely taking megadoses. For instance, too much vitamin C or zinc could cause nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. Too much selenium could lead to problems including hair loss, gastrointestinal upset, fatigue, and mild nerve damage."

Remember that even being low can bring on symptoms of a deficiency. Common ones to have tested are B12, Iron, folic acid, vit D, potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, vit A, all the B vitamins, vit C, vit E, vit K, and Zinc. For some reason many doctors don't test vitamin levels and often times we have to request them. I usually ask them to test all of them, after they fill out the blood work form I look it over before they leave the room and request certain ones if I see that they weren't marked off as well.

The bloating could be caused by a lot of things. Are you on any medications currently?

Be sure to check out this thread as well when you get a chance:
Thanks for the quick reply! I am currently on pentasa and remicade and was on prednisone (has been 2-3 months since I've gone off). The medications haven't caused bloating before though. Another thing is my sudden trouble with milk (dairy), which started maybe the start of this year. Before I used to drink milk everyday without any trouble. Now I've stopped drinking it altogether. Can this also be because of a vitamin deficiency? Also been thinking that maybe it's because remicade is losing effectiveness. Or could it be possible that I now also have celiac's disease?
Anyway, its very difficult to put my finger on the cause. My vit D levels seem to be okay, and I'm going to the hospital tomorrow to get results on my b vitamins.
Thanks for the help
tingling could be b12.

hairloss, foggy headedness,are all symptoms of gi diseases, not everyone has these bad symptoms though, but way more common in gi diseases.just like depression and anxiety are more common in gi disease as well.

i take alot of vitamin supps. magnesium is a very common deficit, i take extra calcium, 250mg more then the rda.

depending on how active disease is, essential fatty acid deficit is common, as fats are absorbed at the ileum.
I have Vitamin B-12 and Iron deficiencies among others these are my 2 worst lab work was the only way for them to determine what my deficiencies were and how bad. I was itchy with my iron deficiencies. My hemoglobin at one point was 5.8 very bad got me a blood transfusion. I also take b-12 shots some of the symptoms I had were out of breath, tired all the time, itchy all over even scalp, broke out in a rash called Prurigo Nodularis rare skin disease. Brain fog definitely had that I would zone out all the time really bad when driving to work. I don't recall having tingling in my extremity's but I do believe people are different with symptoms.
Just wanted to share some of my symptoms for you to compare but all best to get the labs done the only true way to know.
I am shocked your GI never ran bloods for vitamins. Are you kidding? This is a disease of the gut and absorption is a huge issue. I don't want to tell you what to do but please be aware that is abnormal for a doctor and I never heard of that. You been with them for years you said. I think you should check your b12, vit D3, Folic acid, zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium.

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