Are these symptoms of Cancer or Crohn's? Having a terrible time and need advice.

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My name is Ezequiel, I am 30 years old.

Married with two children.

I have been told by my GI that I need to face the news that I might have Chrones Disease, but I am also scheduled for a colonoscopy and gastroscopy to rule out any cancers.

I will go through a quick history of my issues and hopefully someone can lead me in the right direction.

2002 Early - I was diagnosed with glandular fever.

2002 Early - Diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue, which actually slowly subsided after 18 months. Was caused (what doctor believes) by the glandular fever.

2003 - Late 2003, I developed a pain where my appendix is. It was always a low grade, dabbing pain that came and went but was always present every day. I also started to get very gassy and started to suffer from sudden diahorrea. I would suddenly have to go to the toilet and well, it would be explosive. This pain lasted for SIX MONTHS! Sadly I just carried on normal life and things would get worse after eating spicy foods. (which I loved so much)

2004 - Early- Had a colonoscopy done to see what the pain was. Doctor said I was all clear, no cancer, no diseases. Amazingly 2 or 3 weeks after Colonoscopy I felt fine.

2004 - Fainted at work. I was at the computer, suddenly the world spun and I sudfferred my first ever syncope. I woke up about 15-20 seconds later, laid back in my chair. When I came to, I had to desperately go to the bathroom. I JUST managed to get to the bathroom and my bowels emptied like an apocalyptic event. I was on the toilet for over 1 hour, and the bowel movements were absolutely huge and contained a lot of feces. :eek2:

2005 - Went to Europe (I am from Australia) on a holiday for 3 months. Started to suffer from strange "swaying" or "lightheadedness" which usually subsided when I had a bowell movement. Lasted about 6-8 weeks, then went away.

2005 - occasional explosive diahorrea, or strange feelings in my stomach but nothing major.

2006 - started to see a funny "vibration" in my eyes, similar to a pulsating flame. Visible when I look up to a bright light. I went to optomotrist, said my eyes were fine. Vision also was occasionally blurry.

2006-2008 - did have next to zero problems. I did start to develop some weakness and some joint pains.

2008 - Started to get strange chest "thumps". Only usually occurred after a meal or followed by a burp, felt like a heart attack. Cardiologist said I had a rapid heart beat, but nothing major.

2009 - Early - Started to get pains in my side again, exactly the same as the ones a few years earlier. Only problem is they only happen when i am RESTING and subside when I walk around, have a bowel movement or pass gas.

2009 - Daily vomiting of LOTS AND LOTS of bile... followed this pain.

2009 - Started to feel light headed again.

2009 - Starting to pass A LOT of blood when going to the bathroom. I would literally soak the toilet paper of blood and my stools would be covered in clotty substance, similar to a nose bleed.

2009 - Started to get CONSTANT conjunctivitus. Absolutely annoying. Eye always dries out, I get small blisters on my eye lid that I need to pop with a woolen bud or they impair my vision.

2009 - I also seem to get giant "pimples" on my back or sides. They are absolotely huge. I also tend to get strange sores. Only ever get 1 or 2 at a time at most.

2009 - was admitted to hospital with possible abdominal anurysm. It ended up being a false alarm, but doctor gave me an injection of Somac. After 5-6 hours in hospital I felt better.

2009 - Sleeping is now terrible due to palpitation feelings, and pressure in my stomach.

2009 - Getting occasional right back pain, usually in the rib.

2009 - Saw another GI, who advised to get a colonoscopy and told me I could have Chrones Disease.

I am also a big man (horizontally). I used to weigh 154 kilos 2 months ago. I am now down to 139 kilos.

This is all my history.

What do you guys think this is?

Chrones? Cancer? Heart problem?

Are these typical history of chrones disease?

I still have no idea why im so tired, and always in pain. I am afraid to go to the loo as its a painful affair, and once a week I pass a lot of blood.

Major Concerns :

Pain near my right side/appendix
Extreeme swaying/light headed feeling.
Tests Done...(results received)

I will update this as time goes by.

Had a "Stool" Test - showed blood. They could not determine the origins or any bacteria/cancer cells.

Blood test - Shows high levels of ESR and CRP. (Doctor told me this is an inflamation indication.)

CRP was at 47 and ESR around 34. Both were supposedly 8 to 10 times higher than normal.

Iron is fine, no anemia, everything normal, except for these "inflamation" indicators.
hi Ezequiel.. you poor thing, you've really been through it with a multitude of symptoms!

so what's next? has the doc suggested further investigations like a colonoscopy? quite often, stool samples show nothing in relation to a Crohn's/Colitis diagnosis - it takes more investigation and very often a biopsy to accurately determine what's going on.
I have a colonoscopy and gastroscopy to be done within the next 4 to 6 weeks.

Will be my third colonoscopy.

I will be amazed if they find nothing again, my symptoms are outrageously hideous at the moment.
aw :( sorry to hear you're suffering right now. it's good that they're scheduling the right tests for you though - just hang on in there, treat yourself gently, and maybe alter your diet to lower residue than you've been having recently.
Yes, I have a very bad diet.

Even today I ate a hamburger and im already suffering for it.

I have pain in my ribs right now(at the back), and a general "off" feeling.

Also feel light headed and swaying sensation coming and going.

Not to mention that annoying pulsating pain right on the right side of my belly, where the appendix is.

:poo: Also didn't go to the loo for 2 days, then today I managed to go. 2 days ago, I had explosive diahorrea.

Funny how its always extreeme.

Thankfully I have only had one bleeding session in the last 10 days.
Hey Ezequiel,

SOunds like you are really going through the mill right now you poor thing.

Thank goodness you are having all the tests. Your question is difficult to answer, and can only really be answered by your GI. Most of the symptoms you describe have in varying degrees been experienced by some or all of the Crohnies around here, but of course we are (mostly) not medically trained, speaking merely from personal experiences of the disease.

What you will get is great support - welcome to the forum!

Hello ezequiel, welcome to our club, Sorry you are not well at the moment, but you are having all the right tests done, hope you get some answers soon. Peggy
Hi there, welcome to the forum. Yes you do have alot of symptoms of Crohns but best not to worry until you get your results. I had many scopes and ct scans before they could actually diagnose it as Crohns. Very hard to find even if they take a biopsy. Diet does make a big difference. If you do have Crohns you are going to have to stick to a diet of no dairy, wheat, or fatty meats. They cause gas, pain and bleeding for some. I have never passed out but then again, I dont bleed. I have been watching what I eat and have been pretty good. Let us know your results and glad you joined us.
It is more likely that it is Crohn's than Cancer. The testing should confirm the diagnosis. I think it is very unlikely to be Cancer.

Hi there,
I'm going through a similar diagnosing process right now... I think that the tests for cancer are pretty run-of-the-mill for anyone with a GI problem. It scared me to have the tests done too, but your symptoms sound more like Crohns than cancer. And I don't think that cancer waxes and wanes for several years like Crohns does, like what you've experienced. Good luck!
Sounds much more like Crohns than Cancer Ezquiel. Hopefully you get the scope done soon and get diagnosed properly and get the treatment you need to feel better.
Thanks for the nice words and advice.

Woke up with a lot of flank pain and gas today.

Other than making a lot of enjoyable squeeky sounds, not much fun feeling like this every morning for the past 2-3 weeks.
Welcome to the forum!

Your story is a little similar to mine in that i had glandular fever which never really went away and was labelled as Chronic Fatigue. This started about 12 years ago. Tiredness along with lots of weird feelings of dizziness etc. 5 years ago started having occasional 'episodes' of violent explosions after meals and was labelled as irritable bowel as it wasn't a major issue.
In july this year ended up with bad fevers, sweats, pain in lower back and lower right side and real trouble going to the loo. Went to emergency after 3 weeks of not getting better and with all the tests they found I have Crohns in the terminal ileum.
I think mine was mostly confirmed when the did an MRI which showed things really clearly - narrowing/thickening/abscess etc.
I hope you get some answers soon so you can get to feeling beter!
Welcome to the forum. I was totally fearful that I had cancer at first too. Found out that cancer is often not painful unless the tumor is pushing on other organs in which case it would probably be pretty large. My Crohn's showed in a colonoscopy. It never showed in any stool sample or blood test really. Your ESR is quite high. The highest mine got was 80 I think. I too would have a racing heart rate. When my weight dropped I would get mini fevers and night sweats. I was exhausted all the time. I still get tired now, but not that exhausted. I would have vomiting when I ate too much at one time, too much was like 3 bites when I was really sick. It would hurt after every time I would eat. Try to figure out what bothers your stomach. I cannot eat beef more than like once a month...never if I am flaring. There are things all of us know not to eat because we will pay for it later. Since cutting out those things I have felt better for sure.

Good luck with all the testing. Keep us posted.

I have been told I will go into surgery for my colonoscopy :11th December 2009.

Hi ezequiel, welcome, you really have been though it sorry to hear this, I am please that you now have the date for you colonoscopy hopefully you will finally get the right answers and support, I look forward to hearing how this goes

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