Ariz. soon to issue bathroom cards?

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Apr 7, 2010
New York, USA
Just found this article while looking at other stuff.....

ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) - At one time or another, a lot of us have been in this situation: You're in a store and you badly need to use the restroom, but you're told there it's for employees only.

No matter how much you beg and plead -- the answer is no.

Republican State Representative Tom Anderson of Albuquerque has drafted a new bill that would allow some people to use a store's private bathroom when they need to go.

The bill would affect people with certain medical conditions to carry a "bathroom card" once they prove the condition with a doctor’s note. The card basically means a store with a private bathroom can't turn those people away.

“You can't stop them; it's a natural thing,” said Dori Martin, the owner of Purple Pink Rhino, a Nob Hill clothing store. “You got to let them use the bathroom.”

Martin said a private bathroom is bad for business.

”It's not a good idea for people to leave the store because they usually don't come back," said Martin.

But, just down the street, Tres Boutique owner Suzanne Garcia said most of her clients are understanding.

“They are always understand," said Garcia. "They will ask if it is public or private, and they are fine with it normally."

Garcia said her bathroom isn't made for a lot of traffic.

“It’s small space in our backroo and it's not really for public access," said Garcia.

She’s concerned the cramped space is dangerous, and someone could trip heading to the bathroom. The bill does allow room for a store to refuse someone if there is a danger or if merchandise is close by and could be stolen easily.

Under the bill, people could get a temporary card if they have a short-term medical issue. If the bill passes, refusing to let someone with a card use the bathroom would be a misdemeanor crime.
I have one now that I've moved to Michigan, but I've never used it. I currently work for a bank, and due to security issues, we don't usually let people use our bathroom.

I had a supervisor one day refuse a person to use the bathroom and the lady left, but I told her afterwards "what if she had an issue in which she NEEDED to go?" She responded that it wasn't her problem. And I told her that in Michigan, if that happened and the lady told the local police, it WOULD be your problem because you'd be breaking a local law. She thought it was gross and horrible that we have to share the bathroom with "other" people. That's when I whipped out my card and said "well... I have to go to the bathroom, you gonna tell me no?" She wasn't very happy with me, but I wasn't too happy with her either.

People are ignorant.
We have one here in the UK, called 'Can't Wait' card from the NACC, now called Crohn's and Colitis UK, it is £12 a year to subscribe to one and you also get newsletters and e mails to keep up with current trends in IBD.
I have a Medical Alert card that I got from the website. It states:

The holder of this card has Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Colitis is painful and requires immediate access to a toilet facility. This patient cannot physically "hold it." Please make your restroom available.

Is this the same card? They sent it to me for free. I haven't used it yet, mostly because I am a hermit and don't leave the house too much.
The 'Can't Wait' card says something like 'the holder of this card has a non-contagious medical problem and may need urgent access to a toilet', it's a universal card for bladder and bowel problems. It's not law though, I don't think (though it makes it seem more official).

And I do feel kind of sorry for the people who have to make the decision whether or not to allow a customer to use the facilities. I used to work in a shop, and we used to let customers use the toilet, but then something happened at another store (an accident of some kind, and we weren't covered by insurance) and the new instruction was under NO circumstances were we to let customers use our facilities. If we were found to let people, disciplinary action could result. Most of the time this wasn't a problem (there was a public toilet in the store next door) but one time I got a woman who wouldn't take no for an answer. In retrospect, she probably had some kind of IBD. But at the time, I had no idea that a medical condition could exist that would mean a grown woman could not walk next door to use their facilities. Had she had a card, law or not, I probably would have agreed much quicker. In the end I did let her, but I was terrified of losing my job for disobeying managment orders (I was only 18, second ever job, working to get myself through uni).
It's not a law in many places, but there was some sort of bill or something passed here in Michigan, USA that makes it illegal to refuse a person the bathroom.
Nytefyre, thanks for that link! I just ordered myself a card. I don't know if Wisconsin has any law like that, but being able to have a semi-generic "gotta go" card is better than nothing. Or at least it makes me feel a little better. I always get a little panicky when I go into a store and they don't have public bathrooms.
I know that feeling. I won't go somewhere that does not have a public toilet. I used to work in retail also & we had the same rules, no one in the back ever! Texas does have something similar but I have never used it.
Nytefyre, thanks for that link! I just ordered myself a card. I don't know if Wisconsin has any law like that, but being able to have a semi-generic "gotta go" card is better than nothing. Or at least it makes me feel a little better. I always get a little panicky when I go into a store and they don't have public bathrooms.

No prob! I might venture out the house just to see if a situation comes up where I would have to use it. :)
According to the "Ally's Law" Facebook page (not sure how reliable a source you would consider that), the following states have this in place:

Illinois- 2005
Minnesota- 2007
Texas- 2007
Kentucky- 2008
Tennessee- 2008
Colorado- 2008
Ohio- 2008
Michigan -2008
Washington -2009
Oregon - 2009
Wisconsin - 2010

Which is cool, 'cause I totally didn't know my state had it. :D