Crohns ended my job of a decade-I have a new Crohns related business model I'd like to start up soon, but i would like your feedback!!

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Oct 6, 2015
hi everyone, i'm new here :) short background---crohns since 2013, symptoms beginning years before. had 3 bouts of c diff in a row, my blood became septic the second time and i became the girl in the bubble. couple surgeries, no resections. all my drs have been ****. currently working my way into a nationally recognized dr for digestive disease, hope he calls back. i'm 5'8 and ive dropped to 107 pounds. i resemble Christian Bale in The Machinist and im terrified to look in a mirror when i change, i feel like I'm dying every single day, waiting for treatment.

so...onto the ACTUAL discussion. Since I know i cant hold down a job right now, let alone interview (the minute i eat ANYTHING, in the toilet for hours), so i knew when i quit my career as a Hair and Makeup Artist after a decade, i needed to find something easier on my body. the 12 hour days with no lunch breaks allowed and no bathroom breaks allowed, no breaks allowed in was all too much. I feel so much passion towards my skills, my talent, and my trade. But i also feel an immense pull to help others in my situation because honest to god, NO ONE but people like us understand us. its very isolating and lonely. as i was brainstorming for what i could do, i realized that just because i couldn't handle the physical and mental demands in a salon, i would love to do freelance! So I've actually started up my small business in freelancing hair at clients houses so they are at their most comfortable, and i also work with brand new mother, drying and styling their hair and doing their makeup for when they have their newborn shoots in the hospital, or just because they want to feel clean and special and beautiful on the best day of their lives. What i would like to do is add another branch to my business for Crohn's and Colitis patients who are hospital bound. i scribbled down some ideas off the top of my head, i would LOVE your feedback, and any suggestions. I'm jut so curious to know if I'm not the ONLY Crohns patient who would've paid 1mil. for someone to do all this to me! i would certainly hire someone with these services, so give me your feedback!

I just remember (and currently know) how hard it was for me being in the hospital, even in the cushy womens unit with its huge room and private bathroom, I just wasn't HOME. And I wasn't prepared, even when I kept a "hospital bag" packed and on hand. And for most all Crohns and UC patients hospitalized with an IV or port...they can't shower. they wouldn't let me shower...they would have to take my IV out and then start a new port and they didn't want to do that. I was there a week and a half! (this is the first time I was admitted, not sure what to expect). I had a friend visit me on like day 4 and she brought dry shampoo and nail polish...I felt like a million dollars just with a little pampering. And once I got out of the hospital (tues morning), I fainted in the shower that day. I really wanted to make it into work, but I couldn't, I had to call out. I was so upset. I was laying on my bedroom floor in my towel, too weak to do anything myself (including dressing, getting into bed....luckily my shower was no more than ten feet from my room, so i crawled and collapsed-I had been on an all liquid diet for a week and a half, had done three..THREE colon preps, 2 barium x rays, 2 colonoscopies/endos, multiple biopsies..i was EXHAUSTED). and all I wanted to was have dry hair bc I was freezing from my fever and get into bed...and my roommate lauren came in and asked if there was any way she could I said "honestly, it's a huge favor, but do you think maybe you could blow dry my hair for me? I'm too weak to even reach up to do it. it would make my entire life if you could" and she said of course! And I cried...CRIED. I was SO happy just to have someone dry my hair for me when I wasn't feeling my best. I told her that was the BEST present I could have received. And it wasn't about looking pretty (shes not too great at hair lol but she tried!), it was about feeling clean with clean dry hair, being comfortable, and the gratitude I felt for someone helping me with my hygiene and comfort when I was so weak and helpless.

Especially if the patients have had any surgeries and are post op, they're in pain and probably don't even care what their hair is like, they don't want to go through the hassle of good hygiene because frankly, they don't have the energy! It's already a pain in the ass doing your hair every day without surgery!! But it's not just about doing this to make them a beauty queen...even if it's someone who is like "IDGAF about my hair or looks right now, I'm too sick to care"...its about getting treated specially and pampered after all you've been through. That's where I could help. I learned a lot in my visits and I know what they are going through, so here's my idea, probably all out of order, but I love it so far

Trying to come up with a catchy but not totall cheesy name for the Crohns branch of my business: so far i have...

Hair for your Flare
Hair while you Flare
Flare Hair SOS
Great Hair while you Flare
Flare Hair
Flare Hair Care
Crohns Glam
What Flare? (with some cute tagling about how you'll look so refreshed, people will think you wandered in as a guest looking for the gift shop :ywow:)

Job and description:
Assist Crohns and UC patients who are hospitalized in washing their hair, drying it, styling it, taking close attention and measures to keep them comfortable.
Includes hair wash with high end shampoo and conditioner
Hair style with high end products
Curl or a Flat iron, or styled in a bun or simple braid.
Free mini dry shampoo included!

-Light makeup application:
Includes using organic moisturizer for sensitive skin,brightening under eye concealer, blush/bronzer, waterproof mascara using disposable wands, brows fill in, and a soft neutral lip gloss or chap stick.
*No heavy foundation or anything opaque on the skin or lips in case the need of surgery arises (some surgeons say they need to see the color in your face lips and fingernails during surgery to monitor your vitals, so i wont take any chances)
Patient can pick and choose which makeup services that they want. I tell what I offer, they tell me what they want. This will be a small add on
Free gloss or Chapstick with this add on!

Feeling Homesick or hate that HORRIBLY DRYING BAR SOAP that someone with a special place in hell named "Face and Body Soap Bar" that it causes me to have overactive sebum and break out like a pizza face? Do you wish so badly to not smell like Khaleesi's warriors do under all that armor? Medicines giving you cotton mouth but you're NPO so goodluck!! I have a solution!

The tentative name is "A Little Bag of Home" or "The Crohn's Warrior's Bag of Tricks" or incorporate my companies name: its will be a small travel kit including a travel bag, travel cetaphil face wash, a travel cetaphil face lotion, travel deodorant/body deodorant spray, travel dry shampoo, travel chapstick/gloss, toothbrush--mini biotene toothpaste---mini biotene mouthwash (Biotene is a brand made for those with chronic dry mouth, it was a life saver for me in the hospital, the meds and dehydration dried my mouth out so I could barely speak, and this helps a lot, and my father is a dentist so he hooks me up with the mini samples!), Possibly also small packets of biotene gel that you rub on your tongue and it activates your saliva glands---this would be perfect for a patient that are NPO or for when fluids just aren't enough, this is just a pea sized amount of gel so it will not affect the NPO orders

That, so far would be the basic kit until I can think some more

*kit can be customized for each customer* including orajel packets for mouth ulcers, febreeze small spaces air freshener, small body lotion, hydrocortisone cream, travel hairbrush. I would just need to be told about what would really mean a lot to them to have.

The prices would be low, I know they are low on money, as am i, so i know the struggle, and I'm more excited to help out than to turn a huge profit.
-just hair,
-hair and makeup combo,
-just makeup
-product kit: to be determined (honestly depending on how much I spend on them/what people want)

*prices are all TBD, and can be subjective based on the clients hair, and their physical ability when it comes to being able to have me wash their hair etc.*

I plan on donating a portion of my proceeds to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation

So that's the mockup of my new business branch, please let me know what you think; if you would have wanted this in the hospital, if you think i need to make adjustments, things to add to their kit, or name suggestions, anything is welcome!! thank you guys!
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From a guy's perspective, I think you probably have a great idea. I have thought about this on my own stays in hospitals and, especially up here in Canada, the quality of support for personal hygiene has plummeted. I think there are a lot of people aside from crohn's patients that may be interested in this. I think your biggest issue would be gaining approval from the hospitals due to issues of communicable diseases. Put a little thought into that side of your proposal. The rest of it is a fantastic idea. And don't forget the male side of your business. A good haircut and shave has as much an impact on guys mental well being. Good luck with it!
As a woman, I think this is a FANTASTIC idea! Sometimes just having the energy to brush my hair is a HUGE chore. I wish you luck :)
I think it's a great idea as well. Thank goodness my crohns is still on the mild side and I haven't had to be hospitalized but I also have RA and have had really bad flares where I can't lift my hands past my waist. It would have been great to have someone wash and dry my hair. I used to feel so useless/humiliated having to get my husband come in the shower with me to wash my hair every day.
I love this idea! I was in the hospital for 5 days when I had my resection and ileostomy, and all I wanted was a shower! My hair was so gross I begged, and they said no. :-( I would've paid anything! This actually could be a service that all longer than a couple of days hospital patients would enjoy, not just Crohn's patients. You'd probably have to get in with the nurses at the hospital and ask them to allow you to post a flyer or mention you to people who ask. I think it's a kind, and wonderful idea though.

On a side note, I hope you are stable now. Sounds like you have been through a lot and you really need an excellent doctor to pamper you! You shouldn't have to work your way into any doctor - they should work around you! I've had trouble finding a proactive GI who will truly manage my condition, and it's frustrating and a sad commentary on the specialty that so many people don't feel as if their GI is helping them. Maybe if you put out an inquiry, some people here could provide names of docs they love in your area? I just hope you're taking care of you too! I know FMT works well for CDiff. Have you ever been tested for MAP infection?
I think it's a nice idea for those who could afford an extra like that but in my case I wouldn't be able to afford $20 for someone to wash my hair. Would it be wonderful to have a visitor, yes and would it be great to get my hair washed, sure but its an extra my husband and I couldn't afford. I also don't wear makeup aside from special occasions, job interviews or when I went to court for divorce so getting a makeup applicaton would be very odd for me. The idea of a product kit is appealing, however I'd be able to write a list and ask my husband to buy or bring back the products I asked for. (Not to discourage you there may be a huge market but in my case we wouldn't be able to use your service)

I'd also be concerned in your circumstance of possibly picking up cdiff or other virus/disease ect so that's something to consider as well.
I really appreciate your heart.

That really honestly warmed my heart on a day where I had a terrible GI appointment and I sat in my room contemplating what I'm even doing here, and what purpose I have. How I could ever make a life for myself. And this made me really happy. Thank you :)
I think it's a nice idea for those who could afford an extra like that but in my case I wouldn't be able to afford $20 for someone to wash my hair. Would it be wonderful to have a visitor, yes and would it be great to get my hair washed, sure but its an extra my husband and I couldn't afford. I also don't wear makeup aside from special occasions, job interviews or when I went to court for divorce so getting a makeup applicaton would be very odd for me. The idea of a product kit is appealing, however I'd be able to write a list and ask my husband to buy or bring back the products I asked for. (Not to discourage you there may be a huge market but in my case we wouldn't be able to use your service)

I'd also be concerned in your circumstance of possibly picking up cdiff or other virus/disease ect so that's something to consider as well.

I totally understand where you are coming from! Not everyone wants to wear makeup in a hospital bed or even wear it regularly! And some people don't have skin problems like I do. The makeup was just an additional add on for those who wanted it, but have no family in the area or no one willing to visit. The same with the kit...some of the biotene items aren't available at the store, and I don't have a husband but I do have a mother and she's not so great at picking out the things I need from home! Hahah. It's definitely not a service for everyone, and this is just a prototype idea. But it would be worth me offering it, even if I have one client a month, it would be nice to make them happen. I've stoken to my GI on how to avoid C Diff and other communicable diseases and they have pretty concrete ways I could protect myself, but I would not be willing to work on any patient who has c diff, had it, nor mrsa or staph. still kind of working on these things and we will see what comes to fruition! Thank you for your input!
Sorry, I've been having a bit of troubles myself and haven't responded, but that you to everyone for you kind words, encouragement, new ideas, and constructive criticism! I will definitely look into a mans version of what I can do (i need to be careful with shears and blades because of blood spill) but also offering this to patients who don't only have Crohns, but other injuries or noncommunicable diseases and are in for more than a week that could hopefully help! I'm not trying to break any mold, or become create something huge, I just want to help anyone I can :)
What about facials twiggylonglegs? I know it doesn't use your talents as much but if you were willing to get into things like massage therapy then I'm sure a lot of people would be interested in that as well. Just a thought. :)
That really honestly warmed my heart on a day where I had a terrible GI appointment and I sat in my room contemplating what I'm even doing here, and what purpose I have. How I could ever make a life for myself. And this made me really happy. Thank you :)
You are welcome.
I think it's worth offering even if for a trial basis. When I was in the hospital it was a pretty bleak expirience, not like when I had my children. When I had my kids staff were constantly checking on me, saying hi, asking how I was feeling and giving me all sorts of paperwork and pamphlets. When I was in for a blood transfusion/diagnosis the staff just came in to take vitals and they only handed me papers after diagnosis and then again at discharge (so it may be difficult getting word out at first). Being in the hospital is no fun and if I had extra cash I'd probably pay for you to come in, even if it's just for a visitor. :)
Love the idea but agree it would take off better if it was geared towards everyone who is hospital bound not just IBD sufferers. Always go for mass market over niche :D
How about "Hair with Flare"?

Maybe you could promote a gift voucher option, then visitors can get those for people rather than endless flowers or chocolates (not great if you can't eat anyway) and they could club together for a voucher if affordability is an issue.