I will jump in once more just for the chance to display my sheer scientific ignorance of the topic (ignorance is bliss). My first onset followed shortly after the most, and I must stress this MOST, stessfull time in my entire life. Hence, I was an accident waiting to happen. Was I in prior contact with pt A... quite possibly. I drank tons of milk, and like my steak rare.. bloody rare. If para TB A is one day positively linked to crohns, then.. well, you can put 2 n 2 together. I don't expect finding (one day, maybe) that pt A was part of the initial cause that it will result in a cure (for you, me, or anyone else afflicted). A vaccine? Yes, I can picture that (same as the one they have for TB). Supposedly, TB resides in all of us, dormant, and can't be erradicated, but not everyone develops TB. I believe (and my memory AND brain pan ain't what they used to be) that TB, and quite possibly its close cousin para, have the ability to hide themselves in healthy cells.. (so its akin to looking for a needle in a haystack only the needle can disquise itself to look like hay.. not so easy a challange). I won't compare directly HIV and pt A (virii and bacteria are vastly different, and most bacteria will succumb to anti-biotics, whereas virii supposedly are unaffected by them), but the big "THEY" have known for decades now what causes AIDs, and that hasn't led to a 'cure'. Pondering what gave 'you' (or me, or anybody) crohns is not a practical endeavour (in my humble opinion). Sort of like trying to wipeout one's own existence by first developing a time machine, traveling back through time to the night you were conceived, and slipping your dad some condoms.