I have sort of stumbled upon the possibility that I have Crohn's. I began seeing a Dr. Due to back pain. I've had an MRI, CT scan of abdomen, ultra scound of abdomen, HIDA scan of gallbladder. I'm seeing a veriety of Drs. So far what I know is that I have thickening of my uterus, possible adenomyosis. GYN appt 10/4. I have gallstones and/or polyps on my gallbladder. My family Dr sent me to GI due to these issues and due to a family history of Crohn's (maternal aunt) and bile duct cancer (mother). I will have a colonoscopy and endoscopy on 10/5. I began reading info about Crohn's and found that I have some symptoms including erythema nodosum (17 years) and episcleritis(3 years). I need suggestions for what to ask as well as what to tell the GI.