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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 13, 2018
Hi I’m new to this so any advice would be kindly accepted.
In the middle of December I started having very loose bowel movements, which I thought was due to me picking up some sort of bug and after 6 days of having it, I’d had enough so took a trip to the doctors and she said I had gastritis. A day prior to that, I took Imodium which I thought had stopped the D, then fast forward 24 hours+ it started again so doctor gave me a stool pot. I sent it in the next day and got my results back jan 3rd which showed raised signs of inflammation/infection and they needed to rule out which one and what was causing it. So I went for a blood test and it said my liver enzymes were raised, they are not ruling out crohns yet as that could be a possibility amongst other things. So I am now waiting for my results of another stool sample and blood test which I should get back this Friday. I am not worried about what it could be because I will take it as it comes but crohns is the most likely and most reasonable explanation for what is going on with me. I also get bad back ache and blood in my stools (only 3 or 4 times of what I’ve noticed) feel tired sometimes and have lack of energy. Did anyone else have these symptoms?
As I said any advice is kindly accepted
Thank you

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