
Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 5, 2011

I went to see my doctor yesterday who decided that I should try azathioprine as the next course of action.
I don't really know much, if anything about the drug, my doc is sending through some information but I was hoping that some of you on here might be able to tell me a bit more about it :)

So if any of you's can tell me anything about it good or bad whatever please do!
Does it work for you?
How does it make you feel?
etc etc just anything would be appreciated!

thank you! x:ghug:
I am also still on 10mg of prednisolone, & thats why they're putting me on this, because the pred isnt working!
I'm on 6MP, which is the same thing. I've been on it (and Remicade) for 9 months, starting right after my diagnosis, and I'm doing great! knock on wood. When I started taking it, I had a lot of nausea, but I talked to my dr about it and she recommended it splitting the dose up, so I took half in the morning and half at lunch. That solved the nausea problem. Then, unfortunately, my liver enzymes got elevated, which is pretty common. They decreased my dose and my labs went back to normal. So it took a little bit of adjusting in the beginning, but now I'm doing great and have no side effects. Good luck!
Im on imuran and asacol and find it works pretty well. Still have the occasional pain (mainly due to somrthing ive eaten) but felt so much better for starting aza. Luckily Ive had no side effects from it.

Normally the doc will start with a low dose and build you up. I think it has made other feels sick (throwing up type of sick), it can also lower your white cell count so you will need blood tests regulary (mine was every week for a mnth, then every 2 wks, then every 3wks, then every 6wks)
Ok great :)
thanks to you both for your replies! I just wanna feel better! & if it works thats great :D

thanks again! x