Azathioprine making me poorly...advice please

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Jul 16, 2011
Hi everyone,

So I had my resection early May and was just starting to feel better but for the last month I have felt extremely 'under the weather' and started being sick again.

My IBD nurse ordered a blood test and it turns out that my blood stuff is all over the shop and looking a bit 'toxic' so they think the Aza is making me ill (low white cell, low haemoglobin etc etc ) .

I have now been off it for a couple of weeks but not much improvement on the blood level front.

I now feel really poorly and I am not sure if it is a really bad cold or due to all of the above? I am really feverish, achey etc and occasionally have weird pins and needles feeling in my hands...any ideas?

has anyone else had this problem with Aza, if so, did you just go back on it on a lower dose or switch drugs?

Sorry for the long post

I'm not on Aza but do take 6MP which is similar. Never had a problem stopping it cold turkey. Its been a couple weeks already so I kind of doubt its being off the Aza that's causing your symptoms. You could very well be sick but dunno about the pins and needles. I'd contact your doctor on Monday if it hasn't gone away. Its quite possible they might try another med if your body can't handle the Aza but I know with the 6MP if your blood work doesn't look good they keep lowering the dose until it levels out or until they decide to try something else (unless its really bad and they just know its not going to work). Hope you feel better and keep us posted!
Did you come straight off it? When you read the pamphlet that comes with it, it says not too but I don't think I've heard of anyone on here who was told to taper off.
Thanks for the replies :)

Yeah I came off it straight away without tapering but the nurse said it shouldn't cause any problems.

Think i might leave a message today in the hope she gets in touch with me tomorrow! x
I was on prednisone for quite a while and I got tapered off it. They said to me that you should never stop steroids without being tapered off it. It can cause awful side effects. I got awful side effects being on them but I was fine after stopping them. Was on them for 5 months. Hope you start feeling better soon. Keep us informed xx