B12 pills

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Feb 1, 2013
I heard that people don't get the b12 pill give to your body! Like your body doesn't absorb it like a injection! Is this true because I have been taking these pills for a week and nothing happen!
From Wiki
As noted below, such very high doses of oral B12 may be effective as treatments, even if gastro-intestinal tract absorption is impaired by gastric atrophy (pernicious anemia).
Injection and patches are sometimes used if digestive absorption is impaired, but there is evidence that this course of action may not be necessary with modern high potency oral supplements (such as 0.5 to 1 mg or more). Even pernicious anemia can be treated entirely by the oral route.[84][85][86] These supplements carry such large doses of the vitamin that 1% to 5% of high oral doses of free crystalline B12 is absorbed along the entire intestine by passive diffusion.

So it looks like either way are good. Just remember that you will be using B12 a lot to repair your body, and are already deficient so t may take some time to increase your levels back to their normal range. Not sure if its like iron tablets but it took over a month for me to start getting the levels back
I heard that people don't get the b12 pill give to your body! Like your body doesn't absorb it like a injection! Is this true because I have been taking these pills for a week and nothing happen!

A week is not very long. Usually takes a month or so to notice results.
Taking B-12 sublingual pills (pills placed under the tongue until they dissolve) is also better than swallowing the regular B12 pills.
Shots are obviously better just not as fun. When choosing B12 pills always get the methylcobalamin sublingual version of B12. The other forms are weak and a waste of money.
I was told by a Dr. I trust that I should always buy Methylated B-12 - it is necessary for proper absorption. She recommended the sub-linqual since I have crohn's in my ileum which means some vitamins, etc. are absorbed properly if I take pill form. I also have a prescription for a nasal spray B-12 that I do once a week, but it is not methylated and a low dose compared to the powder that I found that is both methylated and has co-enzymes which are supposed to be good for absorption.

I'm curious what other medications I take that might not be absorbed properly b/c of my crohn's? sometimes my food goes right through me undigested and I wonder if pills can do the same?
I use a B12 patch from patchmd.com and it helped keep my B levels high even during a flare.(I have the bloodwork to prove it) I also have inflammation/ulceration in my terminal ileum.
I think it was Thorne you can get on Amazon. I'd have to dig around for my little note.

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