bacillus coagulans is top tier bacteria, rather miraculous in fact. the bacteria lives in a spore, like a shell. this spore allows it to sail right through the super acidic stomach with no issues. miraculously, when the spore reaches the right area in the intestines, it opens up, allowing the bacteria out of the spore.
bacullus coagulans lives in the soil, where our food is supposed to grow. modern farming has altered that relationship.
bc has been proven to upregulate/empower the good bugs while at the same time suppressing bad bugs! the trial above is just one example of this.
this bug has given us (me and my family and friend) INCREDIBLE results. some successes we've had - crohns, inflammatory arthritis, anxiety/panic attacks, persistent loose stools, persistent constipation, psoriasis.
we use the swanson brand of bc. important because there are different strains of bacillus coagulans on the market. personally i cant speak of other strains, but i have seen many trials and studies that show their effectiveness too.
when i'm teaching people about this stuff - sometimes all i can get them to do is take a capsule of bacillus coagulans per day. they wont change their diets, etc. still, one capsule per day, and no other changes, have gotten us results. it's not ideal, but we do have some wins with bc alone. if the sick wont change their bad habits, they can at least take one little capsule per day, right? i've had three people that fall in this category -- two with persistent constipation, one with persistent loose stools. all three got back to normal in less than a month on bc. amazing.