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Best of British
Apr 25, 2010
Hi everyone,

I've not been around on the forum for a while (I think a year or so) I go through stages of wanting support and trying to run away from it. The running never works, how can you run from something permanent? But I definitely always need support! Don't we all?

So since it's been a while I thought I'd reintroduce myself.
I'm Chris, I'm 27 and have had crohn's for 11 years. When I was first diagnosed they called it "undefined colitis" then 3 years ago I had the worst flare I've ever had and got a new consultant. She did thorough tests and decided it was crohn's. The last 3 years it has got worse and spread (I didn't know that could happen?!) I have more rough patches than ever nowadays.

I am getting married in under 6 weeks and moving up north to Newcastle, he's fantastically supportive and doesn't mind all the crohns baggage I come with.

I work in a nursing home and want to find a job up north in the same vein. Caring for the elderly is the best job I've ever had although recently I've struggled a lot with the work load.

Generally life is good, but right now I have all the major life changes (minus pregnancy) moving job, location and getting married. So understandably stressed and chronie. But I did go for my wedding dress fitting today, so it's not all bad!!

Welcome back Chris!

I don't know from personal experience yet, but I imagine getting married is an exciting and stressful thing to have in front of you at the same time. I am sorry you are having some tough times but it is great that your husband is so supportive.

As I am sure you remember we are happy to have you vent away or seek out whatever information or support you desire. Looking forward to seeing you around the forum :).
Welcome back! :D Also, God bless you for your desire to care for the elderly! A lot of times the elderly are marginalized and often forgotten in my opinion, at least in many Western cultures. We need more people like you to help give the care and respect the elderly deserve :)
Hi Chris! Welcome back! I seem to flee from this site as well but have made a promise to stay active and try to help others through such a hard journey and make new friends in the meantime. Congrats on your upcoming wedding! Very exciting and I'm sure the dress shopping was very fun! Keep us updated and don't stray away! :)
Thanks, everyone.
Billy - I completely agree, I love the job I do and find it so rewarding. The elderly population still have so much to give and teach us and they deserve to be treated with the upmost respect and dignity. I love to sit with them and hear the stories they have to tell.

I will try not to run away! :) It is good hearing others experiences, good and bad and knowing we have the support here. I'll definitely keep you all posted on the wedding. Not long to go now!

Thanks all,
Hi Chris and welcome back! Very exciting about the upcoming nuptials, it is great that you have supportive chappy in your corner. Definetly keep us updated on things go, would like to see a piccie if possible as well :)

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