Back pain and problems urinating

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Sep 1, 2011
back pain and problems urinating

I have been having back for a while now, like for the last month and a half. The pain is in the lower back on the right side. It has been worse these last few weeks, and I havd had to start taking Percocet for it. It seems that they pain is worse when I am bloated and swollen in my abdomen. Could this be related to IBD?

Right now, I weigh about 127, down from 135. But my stomach is extremely swollen. I mean, I have to wear pants from several years ago when I weighed almost 170! They just look like trash bags on my legs. I have had people asking if I am pregnant. Anyway, I have noticed that when I have this, along with the back pain, I have problems going pee. It doesn't hurt. But the flow is extremely week and stops and starts, etc. For me to fully pee, it might take 2 minutes. I can't just run to the bathroom real quick anymore.

My constipation is getting bad, too. Thursday night, I ended up doing three enamas and drinking a whole bottle of magnessium citrate. Maybe this has something to do with the back pain and problems urinating.

Any suggestions?
Hi I'm a Physio and any sudden problems with the bowel and bladder eg weakness, leaking, sudden accident etc associated with recent back pain warrant further investigation of a neurological assessment and MRI ASAP. Any weakness in bladder and bowel muscles or loss of sensation can be a sign of a severe prolapsed disc in the lumbar spine. It maybe urinary retention due to another cause eg meds etc but the disc problem has to be excluded. If you were a patient of mine I would send you to a&e for further investigation. 9 times out of 10 it is ok but best to get it checked but it's hard to tell from ur symptoms.

Do you have any pins and needles and numbness in the pelvic region, do you have any sciatica with it?
I see a neurologist (for Humira headaches). At my last appointment, he said the same thing that Archie's telling you. I was having phantom sensations that felt like incontinence for a while. It went away on its own, and I don't know what it was.

I also have pain in the low back/right side. Mine feels deep inside my pelvis and becomes unbearable during menstruation and the time leading up to it. I also use Percocet for this pain. I've had CT Enterography and ultrasounds, and the only thing that shows up is displaced uterus, likely tugged to the back and right by adhesions. I've had trouble urinating when I was flaring badly, and I think it was also due to adhesions.

You sound very sick, though. Your bloating and your weight loss are worrisome. Are you seeing a GI doctor? What medications are you taking?

Archie had a very good suggestion for you. I hope you'll let us know what you find out and that you feel better soon. Good luck to you.

edit to say that I didn't see your meds on your post when I replied. I'm hoping you get a diagnosis soon. When you do, you'll get the treatment that's best for whatever the illness is. I hope you feel better.
Thanks for the replies. I have had some pain down low around the pelvis, but I thought it might have been from straining due to the constipation. I have an xray coming up Wednesday and I have an appt in two weeks with my new Gastro. I don't have any female problems. I had that all checked out just a couple of months ago.

I have been talking with my Grandpa who has CD, and he says he has the stop and go urination when he gets swollen and bloated like this.
The stop start problem is not normal and it does suggest something is pressing on the nerves. They are very easily damaged and they really need treated within a 48 hr period- it is that quick as it can lead to permanent damage, you really do need to get it checked ASAP to exclude a prolapsed disc. Another serious sign is numbness or reduced sensation between you legs sorry for being graphic!!
Its okay Archie! I didn't think anything of it. I do have trouble with my left leg going numb. I don't have much sensation in my feet either. The last doctor checked me out for Diabetes, but that was it. When I mentioned my stomach problems he said I wasn't skinny enough for anything to severe!? So I started going to this Internalist, who also doesn't seem too worried about much. But, I know something is really wrong. I look awful, feel terrible, and I want some answers. Hopefully my Gastro will be a little more worried.
Just thinking out loud here...perhaps you have Crohns located in the ileum. I know you are currently under investigation.

Inflammation of this area of the bowel can cause lower back pain, particularly on the right side, and put pressure and localised inflammation onto the surrounding structures.

Also if this area of the bowel is affected you may have a B12 deficiency, one sign of this is peripheral neuropathy, one of the symptoms can be loss of sensation in your feet.

If you don't have any blood tests coming up I would see the doc in the next week and ask for levels to be done for B12, Folate, Iron Stores and Vit D.

Good luck with your upcoming tests and keep us posted!

Dusty. xxx
before I was diagnosed I was told I didn't look skinny enough for crohns, so pay no attention to that!!

But you need to get your bladder checked ASAP I know I keep going on about it but the damage can become irreversible if left untreated you NEED an MRI..

It probably isn't but I'd rather be wrong than right on this one but Cauda equina (a condition caused by prolapsed disc) can cause your symptoms it is a red flag and you have some of the symptoms of this (difficulty peeing, numb leg and feet)... another symptom is a foot drop (difficulty flexing your ankle and loss of sensation between the legs). your symptoms maybe due to something else eg poor circulation etc and more than likely are but you need to get assessed properly.

Do you have trouble with ovarian cysts, that can also cause swollen stomach and difficulty urinating?

Whatever is wrong you know yourself you don't feel well, I really hope you get some tests and treatment very soon.
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Thank you! I have a scheduled appt Thursday to look at my spine.

I was worried about Crohn's in the illeum. I have had tons of problems lately and today, I have had explosive D with tons of blobs of mucus. I am really looking forward to my appts.

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