Back pain

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Jan 26, 2010
Hi guys :) Have any of you been experiencing any kind of back pain since getting your ostomy? Recently (over the last few months) I've been having major pain in my lower back on the side that my ostomy is on. I'm wondering if it's because I now favour that side when bending and stretching etc. I suppose I should go to the doctor and get it checked out, but I thought I'd come here guys are pretty smart cookies!!

Also, on a sort of related note, do any of you have any exercises that might be good for this kind of pain? Any stretches or anything? It's getting to the point now that just sitting in one position for too long is excruciating (and I can barely get up). Besides the pain, I'm feeling it's a bit of a
ohh don't like the sound of that, off ya go to the doctor my friend.

Well if it was me then, yup thats where i'd go.

good luck
I guess I should have added in my post as well that there's no problems Oscar blockages, or output problems. It feels like muscle pain...not internal pain.
Maybe you have pulled a muscle that happens to be on that side ?

It can happen so so easy, ya know.

good luck anyway
No back pain here. I've had a few back issues over the years that lasted between a week or two. One was so severe for a few days that I could hardly dress myself.

Once I just bent over to get something out of my car and could not straigten back up.
Another time some years ago I had 20 yards of mulch (yes, alot), delivered and hurt my back on the first day. The mulch was not gonna move itself so I just gingerly tried to continue the next day. Doing the work actually helped somehow and it resolved over the next few days.

Good luck Cindy. Since you said it's been a few months, I think it's time for the doc. If you look in the mirror, can you see your back muscle protruding or looking tense and locked? That's how my back looked when I had my problem.
Hi Cindy - Sorry to see you here posting a problem! It very well does sound like the soreness could be from favoring. After my first surgery in 2002, when my incision was really big (14") I had back pain for like 6 months from favoring!

I would perhaps start with a chiroprator where they can look at your spine and your hips and see if anything is rotated out of position.

Good luck! I hope it turns out to be nothing Oscar-related!!

- Amy
Thanks guys...when I get back to Ontario I think I'll check out a chiropractor.
:voodoo: Is someone doing this to your back?

I hope you get to the bottom of it Cindy. I mean dancing and swimming season is here after all!

Feel better soon beautiful!!!

Good idea about hitting the chiropractor.
Once he loosens things up for you maybe try some core strengthening. That will get those front muscles back in shape and take the strain off those back muscles.
I have never had any surgery from my Crohn's but I have FREQUENT PAIN ahhhhhhh I can't stand it sometimes... I get pain in my back, neck, joints, and muscles it sucks :( Arthritis can accompany Crohn's Disease. It could be general Crohn's pain but as you say if you are constantly bending to the side you are out of alignment and that could cause pain.