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Jan 7, 2011

if this disease is caused by our immune systems attacking the bateria/fungus in our guts, how am i supposed to "heal" and get rid of the problem when im on remicade a immunosupprsant and my body cant fend off the invaders? last time when i was in a horrible flare, i also had c.diff and with the combination of pred vanco and probiotics (and asacol/canasa but i dont think this medication helps much at all) i was in remission withing weeks. i feel as if the vanco was whiping out all of the invaders from my gut and the pred took down the inflmmation. then as i weaned the pred i also weaned the vanco and the it was the perfect combition to allow give my immune system time to kick back in to handle the gut flora without the antibiotic.

of course im in another flare about 6 months later and this time around i tried everything except for the vanco agian, becuase they wont write me a script for it without having a c.diff infection. how the hell am i supposed to get "better" when the main issue isnt being taken care of? they did put me on a course of flagyl, but they also did that last time before i was admitted to the hopsital and the flagyl did nothing to the bacteria besides raise my lfts and not take care of the bacterium problem. i guess flagyl just isnt strong enough.

so what can i do to get rid of the invaderes in my gut, espeically when im on remicade!? im scared that when i do come off of this medication, i will return into a flare if the bateria/fugus/virus what have you isnt taken care of
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It depends on what you believe causes the disease. People beleive different things and so how you would deal with the cause would also be different.

Diets like SCD starve the pathogens and feed the good bacteria in theory.
i saw that diet before but havent really looked into it until now. i see what theyre saying about carbs. but i mean what else could it be? a lotof us are healthy then we get a "trigger"? and it can also flare and go into remission? it sounds to be like at one point we are infected with a bug, and are in a flare. then if we take the right steps sometimes we can get rid of it, heal our inflmmation, but are more suseptable to getting the infection again. and im not talking about c.diff only, what if there is a bacteria man hasnt classified yet? is that possible? i mean they say there are millions of bacteria in our gut and maybe the vanco took care of whatever it was.

or is it even possible that maybe it isnt an infection but rather just a imbalance of gut flora? would this cause an immune system to start fighting things in our gut?
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As far as remicade being bad for the immune system, I really dont think its that bad. It suppresses only one factor of many factor in the immune system, where something like immuran supresses the entire immune system. Most of the immune system besides the skin, is the probiotic bacteria in the gut, so if you get that right, you are on your way. IMO.

As quoted from the book “Probiotics – Protection Against Infection” pg 37, By Casey Adams, Ph.D.

“The human body can house more than 32 billion beneficial and harmful bacteria and funguses…When beneficial bacteria are in the majority, they constitute up to 70-80% of the body’s immune response. This takes place both in an isolated manner and in conjunction with the rest of the immune system.”

I know…I almost fell out of my chair when I first read that. It is crazy important to keep these little guys happy and fighting for you!

Probiotics Fight Invaders To Protect Their Turf (Our Body)

Invading bacteria, fungi and other nasty creatures can crowd out probiotic bacteria. If the bad bacteria win, the probiotic bacteria have no home. Therefore it’s in the probiotics’ interest to fight off bad bacteria and protect their turf.

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