bad news
my daughter was diagnosed w/ chrones in Dec 2010 and has been doing good up until now. doctors called and said her bloodwork was abnormal and think she might have some type of liver disease she is going to have some type of mri & possibly a liver biopsy.. shes at her grandmothers until wednesday and I havent told her the bad news.. Im nervous she will be scared/get stressed and have a flare up ugh..
my daughter was diagnosed w/ chrones in Dec 2010 and has been doing good up until now. doctors called and said her bloodwork was abnormal and think she might have some type of liver disease she is going to have some type of mri & possibly a liver biopsy.. shes at her grandmothers until wednesday and I havent told her the bad news.. Im nervous she will be scared/get stressed and have a flare up ugh..