Barium enema with Ileostomy?

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Jan 27, 2012
barium enema with Ileostomy?

Ok so I'm about to have surgery set for May 11th. The nurse called me today and said the doctor wanted me to do a barium enema for my colon.. I'm not sure why I should have this done since nothing is connected. She said to see if theres any openings and said other things.( It's not connected?) So I wonder why I need this done now? Also She said nothing to eat or drink for 24 hours. I'm already deydrated at all times and I think this could actually get me sick since things go through me so fast. Has anyone had this done? Exactly what are they looking for now and what's the procedure like?
They want to do your colon via your rectum? If it isn't attached I wonder why they are restricting your intake (?) A BE prep can be similar to a scope prep with clear liquids and a cleanout, but if you aren't connected...? I would call the facility and explain it to them...see what they say.
Normally they take an initial x-ray, insert a tube (held in place by a balloon that is inflated on inside you). THey allow barium to flow inside your colon and may pump air in also. They ask you to roll around on a table while doing live x-ray. WHen they are done they may take a series of plain xrays, allow most of the barium to flow back into the enema bag. They will allow you to empty your colon and probably take one more plain film.
They want to do your colon via your rectum? If it isn't attached I wonder why they are restricting your intake (?) A BE prep can be similar to a scope prep with clear liquids and a cleanout, but if you aren't connected...? I would call the facility and explain it to them...see what they say.
Normally they take an initial x-ray, insert a tube (held in place by a balloon that is inflated on inside you). THey allow barium to flow inside your colon and may pump air in also. They ask you to roll around on a table while doing live x-ray. WHen they are done they may take a series of plain xrays, allow most of the barium to flow back into the enema bag. They will allow you to empty your colon and probably take one more plain film.

Thank you. I called back and she said That I didn't have fast and that She doesnt know why he asked for it and she couldn't get a hold of him.. So tomorrow I find out for sure if I need this done.
I had a barium enema last week to check for leaks in the J-pouch. I have the J-pouch formed with a loop ileostomy--no colon. I am waiting for reanastomisis soon. The barium filled the J-pouch right away and all of the extra came out in the stoma bag.

If you don't already have a J-pouch formed, I wonder if they got your chart mixed up with someone elses again..?

EDIT: ...and no prep required...