Barium X Ray Series Purpose?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 17, 2014

I have recently been diagnosed with intermediate colitis. This diagnosis was made after the test which is like a small colonoscopy (where they look at only a small part of the bowel as opposed to the whole colon)- I'm sorry, I forget the correct name for it.

I have been on medication- Steroids and Asacol, since I was diagnosed two weeks ago. So far the medication has been very effective.

However I got a letter which informed me I will be going into hospital for a Barium X ray series- where I need to take Barium and they do frequent x-rays as it goes through my system. Apparently it can take up to 4 hours.

To those who are familiar with Barium X-rays: I was just wondering what's the purpose of this if a diagnosis has been made and I am currently receiving effective treatment.
Like what is it they're looking out for in the X-ray?

I am aware that the barium x-ray series involves a day of preparation. But will I be able to function normally the day after?

Responses will be much appreciated.
Hello :)

I think you are referring to a sigmoidoscopy.

I had a barium series done when I was 15 years old. They can help to identify any areas of narrowing or thickening in the digestive tract, they can identify any problems with transit speed, they can allow for things like fistulas (tunnels between organs) to be found. Although you have a diagnosis, your doctors may want to see the extent of the disease and a barium series is one of the least invasive ways to do this. It can help them decide if other tests like a colonoscopy are needed and figure out a treatment plan for you.

I didn't have to prep for mine, just not eat after a certain time, but I was younger so the rules might be different for peads patients.

I felt a bit bloated and uncomfortable the day after, and didn't go to school, but it was a few days before the end of term so I wasn't missing anything anyway.