Bathroom habit weirdness - D&C at the same time?

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Jul 18, 2013
I've been seeing a Nephrologist to manage chronic kidney disease for a couple of months, and had to have an acute abdominal xray series done to look for kidney stones because my past two UA's have come back positive for large amounts of blood. At any rate, my guts are seriously miffed. I experience quite a bit of pain, both lower left and lower right, that comes in waves, along with a constant gnawing pain in my right/mid abdomen (presumably kidney).

I looked at my images after they were done, and the tech said he had never seen anyone with that large of a stool load in their colon, let alone a 100 pound woman. Any views of my kidneys, ureters, or bladder were completely obscured by last week's dinner so the study did nothing to help diagnose what's causing blood in my urine, booo. What struck me, is I was late to my scheduled appointment time by nearly 3 hours because I was stuck on the toilet all morning with the runs. The report came back "large to massive stool load in colon, no obstructive gas pattern noted. No abnormal intra abdominal calcifications are seen". Polite clinical speak for "you dear, are full of sh*t.".

The nurse called me and offered to call in a script for miralax to get things moving along. Uh, I can't get moving because my bowels won't stop moving. I asked her if she had ever heard of this before and she said no...people are either constipated, or have diarrhea. One cannot have constipation and diarrhea at the same time.

Has anyone else experienced something like this? Am I a freak of nature? Do I get some kind of award?
I have had something similar. When I was a teen I was sent to hospital by my GP as I was in agonising pain, and my GI did an xray which showed I was full of stool. That was despite the fact that I'd had been running to the toilet with loose BM's for the past couple of days.

I sometimes now get both over-formed and watery BM's in the same day!
It is very possible to have both. When you are severely constipated, often times liquid will push out around the solid stool. I've read about it and also seen it happen with my father-in-law who was hospitalized because of it. He had a multitude of other issues, but had incontinence of liquid stool, yet was impacted and it took a week to clear out his colon using a combination of Golytely (oral) and enemas for several days. No one knew he was constipated until he was admitted and had an x-ray.
Huh, that's bizarre. I guess I'll add fuel to the fire and use the miralax for a few days and see what happens. I was warned to look out for symptoms of nephrotic syndrome while using it, but they think I should be fine. Glad to know I'm not a complete mutant!
I have had fluctuations throughout the day, one load constipated and the next diarrhea. Nothing is impossible with crohns.
Rather than laxatives, which are often too severe for people with Crohn's, try a warm shower or bath, warm drinks and massage the colon area (below your navel) quite firmly in a circular motion - across the top from right to left, down the left hand side, across the base from left to right and up the right hand side. It might be easier with a closed fist. This can sometimes help to get things moving.