Beer & Crohn's

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I used to but not anymore, lucky me! I do still stay away from soda or pop as I believe it's called in the US but beer and wine go down just fine.
If I am flaring I can't tolerate either. If not flaring I can tolerate a little beer, but soda only rarely. Soda usually makes my GERD act up. Doesn't cause a flare up but can aggrevate symptoms for sure.
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Sugars (soda) and fermented yeast (Beer) feed bad bacteria and yeast like e. coli and candida. Bi-products of their feeding is gas which is what relates to the IBS symptoms like flatulence, burping, abdominal pain, bubbling, and when more extreme/chronic diarrhea and constipation. And when more extreme...well my personal theory is abdominal abscessing. Watch you don't overdo the carbs, FODMAPs specifically.
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Flaring - alcohol is a no go for me(chronic malabsorption issues). Same for soda or sparkling water. Plain water or bust I'm afraid

Non-flaring times - I prefer wine and stout like guinness. Never been the biggest fan of beer cause it usually tastes crap by the time I get to the bottom of the pint glass. These days I am pleasantly surprised to have tolerance for sparkling water (no sugars involved) and also prosecco.

Try different types of beer/stout/ales, it may not be the alcohol itself but the actual proportions involved which varies depending on type.

Sodas are a different matter - could be the fructose involved. Have you tried making your own lemonade? That way you can experiment with sugar tolerance (if at all) and add soothing things like fresh peppermint to see how it is tolerated.
I only have about two or three alcoholic drinks a year, I've never noticed it making a difference but maybe I would if I drank more. I drink fizzy drinks daily though, they don't cause me any issues. Doctors have recommended drinking fizzy drinks to help clear stoma bkockages, and I have found that helps. I also remember hearing (I can't remember where) that room-temperature Coke can help an upset stomach.
I also remember hearing (I can't remember where) that room-temperature Coke can help an upset stomach.

We used to always get flat 7Up when we were kids for a sick stomach :ylol:
I suppose it has to do with the calories from sugar which help if you can't actually eat anything.
I've also heard the same about Coke
I thought it may have something to do with the fizzyness? I don't know if it actually settles my stomach, but it definitely doesn't make it worse.

I drank Coke during my treatment for candida too and it didn't stop the treatment working.
My parents always thought gingerale was special for digestive issues. Then again ginger is supposed to soothe the stomach? Not sure whats in 7up.

I've never cared much for the digestive feelings of carbonation. I kicked my soda habit quite easily. Just water and tea now.

I'd think a doctor would recommend a moderate fiber diet before fizzy drinks in order to aid digestion along, haha.
When you've got a stoma blockage eating food is a bad idea, so fizzy drinks, hot drinks and chewing gum stimulate the digestive system without adding more food to the blockage. I was told the same when I had ileus.

I've heard about ginger being good for digestion, and peppermint, though I've tried those in various forms without any effects.

When I've been in hospital I've had a few occasions where they prescribed me Lucozade to fix low blood sugar, and peppermint tea for stomach cramps (the Lucozade worked, the peppermint tea didn't, though I hate tea so maybe I didn't get enough down to give it a chance of helping. I hate Lucozade too, but when my blood sugar dropped it caused such desperate thirst that I'd have drank anything). The chewing gum they made me buy my own though, I'm not sure why that one's not available on prescription. :p

7 Up is lemonade isn't it? (I mean UK lemonade; years ago I was on holiday in the US and found the lemonade there is different.)
When I am not flaring I can handle beer alright. I can't do cheep fizzy beer though...not to sound pretentious. During a flare beer really messes me up and I wouldn't recommend it for anyone in a flare.
Although it's not good for anyone (Crohn's or not), I am a pretty heavy drinker during my college semesters. Tips that I suggest:
-drink at least 8 cups of water the day before you drink (even if you're only having a couple drinks)
-eat a full meal with protein/carbs/veggies
-DON'T DRINK BEER -I've found that it just makes me feel really gross and definitely affects my stomach.
-gin, non-flavored vodkas, tequila usually ok
-stick with less sugary drinks-mix with soda water or 100% fruit juice (ex. OJ)
-make sure you drink water/eat a snack before bed! Makes a huge difference in the morning. Just try and avoid really junky food.
-you'll probably just have a nice pooop in the morning and be good to carry on with no pain/issues :)