Best Prep for colonoscopy

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Sep 19, 2010
Hi All,
Caitlyns new GI wants her to use the Mag Citrate prep. She also instructs a clears diet for two days. I want to know what preps your doctors recommend. I am trying to remember what we did last time it was easier then mag citrate. Also I never heard of having to do clears for two days. What preps have your kids done and how did they tolerate it?
We did low residue for two days before .
Then miralax + dulcolax in gatorade.
He has done this twice .
We had some bleeding the second time but that was because he has proctitis . He prolapse got very inflamed and he had cramping.
He did have stomach cramping all day every day at the pint without the prep so....
Not sure it was the prep.
No real nausea .
It worked .
I see I'm not the only one thinking this.

Mine said Miralax.
I'll know more when I get the packet of info.
How is your girl doing? Any better, any worse?
The prep we use here is Picoprep. I think it is the same, if not the same, as the one commonly used in Canada.

Matt did not do the scope diet as his consult was urgent. We saw the GI at 2pm and his scopes were arranged for 8am the following morning. He started his prep at 3pm. These are the full instructions we were given...

Please avoid the following:
* brown bread
* high fibre
* vegetables
* fruit
* any food containing nuts or cheese

Please choose from the following menu:
* Clear fruit juice (apple or pear)
* Cornfalkes or rice bubbles with milk
* Eggs
* White bread or toast with butter, margarine, honey or vegemite
* Clear fruit juice (apple or pear)
* Clear chicken soup
* White bread sandwich with any of these fillings – chicken, beef, fish, egg
* Stewed or tinned fruit without skin
* Tea and coffee (milk and sugar allowed)
* Clear fruit juice (apple or pear), ginger ale, tea, coffee
* Steamed or grill lean meat: chicken, fish, lamb or beef
* Mashed or boiled peeled potatoes, peeled pumpkin, peeled choko * White rice or plain noodles or white pasta
* Stewed or tinned fruit (without skins) with ice cream

* Tea, coffee, apple or pear juice, lemonade
* Plain biscuit (eg Jatz, milk arrowroot, Sao), plain sponge cake, crumpet, yoghurt, custards or plain jelly

Approved Clear Fluids:
* Water
* Apple or pear juice
* Plain jelly (light colours)
* Bonox
* Black tea or coffee
* Lucozade
* Gatorade
* Staminade
* Carbonated drinks
* Barley sugar drink
* Clear broth
* Lime or lemon cordial
Do not eat jelly or drink fluids with red, green or purple colouring
Drink at least 3 litres of approved fluids PLUS the preparation liquids below.

Add the contents of one sachet of Picoprep to one glass (250ml) warm water and stir until dissolved. Chill for 30 minutes before drinking if you prefer. This should be followed by a drink from any of the approved clear fluids (above).
Add the contents of one sachet of Picoprep to one glass (250ml) warm water and stir until dissolved. Chill for 30 minutes before drinking if you prefer. This should be followed by a drink from any of the approved clear fluids (above).
Add the contents of one sachet of Picoprep to one glass (250ml) warm water and stir until dissolved. Chill for 30 minutes before drinking if you prefer. This should be followed by a drink from any of the approved clear fluids (above).

After a short time the preparations will cause multiple bowel movements, resulting in diarrhoea and watery stools. DO NOT LIE DOWN for a least 2 hours after drinking the mixture as walking around will improve it’s effective- ness in clearing the large intestine.
From the time you start at the preparations at do not leave the house and stay close to the bathroom.


Commencement and completion of prep depends on whether you have a morning or afternoon scope.
Matt tolerated the prep well and was well cleaned out even without the diet preparation.

Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
C's prep was the same MLP mentioned. C had no issues at all with it which really suprised me because I felt unwell and sloshy when doing it and never thought I would get the last of it down. C drank 8oz of miralax/gatorade every 15 minutes for 2 hours. Before starting he took 4 dulcolax. He had no problems but during the night when urgency became a problem although no accidents but came close once.
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Best prep I've ever had hands down is Suprep

The reason why it was the best for me is because I didn't have to drink a lot of prep and it cleaned me out with just one bottle instead of having to use another bottle the next day as is suggested. Once you're running clear, there's nothing left to clean out and you're done. I was perfectly clear for my scopes with just one bottle. It acts really fast too so I didn't have to stay up late and was able to get plenty of sleep.

I don't know how many scopes I've had over the past 21 years but its a lot and I always had a different prep each time. Suprep was definitely the best one I've had so far. Didn't taste too horrible either. Almost got the whole thing down in one chug session but had to stop to breathe. :p I finished the whole thing in less than 5 min and just did clear liquids after that.

Edit: I ate the day before prep day but went on clear liquids on prep day. Less to clean out if you just fast for one day rather than the light breakfast or lunch that it says you can do.
Dusty, I don't think we have pico prep here.
MLP how much miralax and dulcolax? I have seen son many different recommendations online. The one I liked best said "1 capful of miralax in 8 oz of Gatorade once per hour until stool is clear and watery"
Sorry Kim but O's was done inpatient after she had been on Parenternal Nutrition via IV for two days so not sure about diet. She did the Miralax prep in Gatorade. They let her have any color she wanted because she was having a hard time drinking so much and was vomitting. She never ran perfectly clear but doc said it was good enough and after he said pics were perfect quality.
14 doses of miralax in 2 qts of Gatorade( I think might have been a gallon???)
2 dulcolax in the am and two more later in the afternoon .
The Gatorade /miralax had to be started at a specific time then the dulcolax .
I did the same prep and dose as a adult .
I am sure your Gi office would have the specifics if you called
I recommend you call to see what it is.

I know it needs to be timed just right and his last one was over 5 months ago. .
Lewis did 8 senocot and prep he had to have clear fluids and could eat tuna how strange he cpuldbonly eat that the day before butbi guess every hospital has different protocol. food luck with thwarting scope.xx
Jack did Nulytely (Golytely)Not sure what is in it or how it differs from Miralax. John did the same. We tried it with the gatorade, Jack just said it made it taste worse. He knows he has to have another scope next year. I wonder if miralax is any better another note to jot down to talk to GI about.
Caitlyn does not want to have her colonoscopy. she keeps saying I feel fine why do I need it. she is fighting me and fighting me. I am not looking forward to her doing the prep tomorrow.
:( Awwe poor Caitylyn :(

This is surely one of those times that we, as parents, would take their place in a heartbeat!

Lots of extra hugs coming your way
Last time I bribed JJ with a dang iphone arggh ! I have a feeling at his next gI appointment he will be getting more tests....don't know what I'll be bribing him with now tho ! LOL
I'm all for bribes! My son earned over $100 just for walking and pooping after surgery a few months ago! That was grandma's deal though so she had to pay up on that!
I hope the prep goes ok. Lots of hugs for you both.
Oh kimmidwife, with the Suprep I only had to drink 16oz of prep mixture. I probably could have mixed it with a soda or gatorade instead of the water. Had to drink two large glasses of water after I finished the prep but that was easy too.
I am off to bed! After a glass of wine. What a rough night! Caitlyn crying and carrying on that she is not having this colonoscopy that she does not need it. I am at my wits end between her and my other daughter who hates school and does not want to go. Ugh I think I need another glass of wine before bed! Good night you all!
I think some of this a teenage girl thing. Sarah told me she never having another mri. There no point seing surgean as she won't give premission for surgery and I can't make her.
I agree with Catherine ~ Gab and I battled several times between Colonoscopy Prep, Ct, Mre, etc. Each time she says "I don't need this, they wont find anything, they never believe me, etc! " :( broke my heart...but I rode her like a roller coaster honestly to drink that prep no matter how much she yelled at me. I did however sneak off to another room, and cry and cry because I didn't want her to know how much I just wanted to say "go ahead and stop!"
This is the hardest part sometimes I think about caring for our sweet children with this disease ~ forcing them to do what we consider to be necessary and for the best, while they proclaim their hate for us and the rest of the world ! :(

Hang in there momma ~ we feel your pain and we understand and are here to support you all the way ! Drink that wine and vent, vent and vent away !

Ya I did the whole, "I don't need this, why do I have to, I don't want to, get me out of this please..." Nothing but drama with kids and teens. I never got out of doing any procedure though. I was MADE to do it. Minors don't get to make the choices which is good for the most part because if I got my way I'd probably be dead.
Don't blame your poor girl for not wanting to do it but this horrid disease keeps doing things inside our kids that we can't see and unfortunately a colonoscopy is the only way to see. I agree - bribing sounds the way to go :ybiggrin:. I sympathise with the not wanting to go to school thing as well - my daughter went through stage of that - not pleasant. The promise of horse riding lessons kept her going until the phase passed. Of course she got thrown off twice in a year so no longer goes riding :lol:. When Andrew had his colonoscopy he had a disgusting drink (just one cup) at night and then one in the morning. He was allowed to eat until 2pm the day before and then nothing but liquids. Hope it goes well!
Thanks for all the support! She is already fighting me this morning. Keeping my fingers crossed that I can find a good bribe that will convince her.
Terrible morning, fighting and tears. She finally relented and is doing the prep. She gave in for Chinese food after the colonoscopy. I agreed to anything at this point!
Kimmidwife, Glad she got started, I think that is the hardest battle. Hugs to you both. Good luck with the scopes
AW Kim sorry it is so rough. Poor kids. I know healthy adults who complain like crazy about these tests so it reaaly does just plain suck that these kids have to do them...and so often...ERGH!

But you know what I say...a glass of prep for C a glass of wine for you!
Yay!!!! Done with the drinking! The miralax is definitely easier to get down then the golytley/mag citrate. We had to be creative though and mix it in several different clear liquids in order for her to get it all down. Now let the pooping begin!!!! (it has started a little) :poo:

Yahoo! I'm on pins and needles waiting to hear the result of her colonoscopy. You are all peer pressure on Jack to do what needs to be done. At least his is not until June
So glad she is doing the prep! Next time I would try to talk to the doctor about the Miralax prep. I am 22, but I am tiny (5'3" and 102 lbs.) I found the mag citrate to be kind of rough. Out of all the preps I have done the Miralax was the best. You can't taste it once it is mixed in the gatorade so it might be easier for her. I didn't have any cramping, I was just SO hungry and kind of tired after it all came out.
We did do the miralax prep used other people's advice on here and you are right it is much gentler and things are comming out slowly but surely instead of in a big rush and less cramping too.
Wow! Go Caitlyn! Hmmm..maybe we are giving these kids a little too much encouragement in chugging if you know what I mean:shifty:

Good luck tomorrow!!!!!
Good Morning all! we are st the surgicenter. very nice place at palms west hospital. Everyone is very nice. they let Caitlyn bring a stuffed animal to hold and they let me stay in with her until she fell asleep. I am now sitting in the waiting room the doctor said when she is done she will come it and bring the pictures to go over.
Thinking of you this morning. Hope all goes well and she enjoys her Chinese after her scopes! (We always have Arby's after my son's scopes!!)
Kim I hope everything goes well.:hug:
I hope they find nothing and I hope they find something! You know what I mean.:)

Keep us up to date when you can.
We'll ALL be waiting very impatiently.:voodoo:

Perhaps we'll hijack your thread while your gone? Hurry back!:rof:
Hi all. Wow they are done already. she was able to go up 30cm into the small intestine. Everything looks fantastic! the duodenum in the stomach was a little friable ( means it bled a bit when biopsied) but other then that everything looks great! once we get the biopsies back we can call her in remission! woohoo!!!!!!!
Great news.

:ybatty:I'm an idiot, I thought you took the other girl that is starting to have problems. Oh well, I'm still happy.:hug:
no Farmwife her opponent is in two Weeks. by the way the doctor said the miralax prep worked great her insides were well cleared out and she could see everything!
Kim that is such awesome news !!
I am so very happy for you both !

Hope Caitlyn enjoys her chinese while she rubs it in your face that " Hey mom, told you they wouldn't find anything !" LOL ( oh the love of a teenager :ylol2:)

Ugh, I thought mag citrate and multiple days of clear liquids were left behind in the dark ages. That's the prep I had in the 80s. Has he not heard of Nulitely and Miralax? Ugh.

(Haven't read the whole middle of the thread, sorry. Glad the results were good!)
That is awesome and I got chills reading it, hopefully you are close to be on your way to chinese food and she can give you the teenage eye roll :yrolleyes: and say "See I told you" - The one time she can get away with it. Yeah for LDN!
Oh Kim! This is fantastic news! I literally have tears in my eyes. You and Dutch have made my day!

Go and enjoy that girl and let her gloat all she wants...she earned it!

You mention three years you mind me asking when her last one was? I am getting conflicting reports from other patients of our docs and I am of course putting my cart before the horse and out guess the doc as to when we might have to have another for O. Yes it would be so much easier to ask at our next appointment in December but what would I do for the next month:lol:
Caitlyn's last one was a year ago. Our old doctor believed in one yearly or as necessary until remission was achieved. This doctor is less aggressive and was willing to let Cailtyn hold off on it except that she wanted to check the terminal ileum as Caitlyn continued to have pain there. It looks gorgeous! So she and I agree that the pain is probably from adhesions or scar tissue from her surgery. There is not much you can do about that pain. Some people say exercise helps. This new doctor believes that once a kid turns 18 they do need a scope yearly.
Thanks. That might explain the difference. Our doc said yearly but friends of ours who also use him say they go every three years...maybe they are in remission. O was dx'd in January/February and I am wondering if he will scope then or wait until July when she actually started getting better. We have an appointment in late December so I guess if Jan/Feb he will mention it then.
Woohoo, so wonderful to hear that all looked good! :mademyday:

Hopin', wishin' and prayin' that the biopsies are crystal clear! :goodluck:

Dusty. xxx
Good Morning all! we are st the surgicenter. very nice place at palms west hospital. Everyone is very nice. they let Caitlyn bring a stuffed animal to hold and they let me stay in with her until she fell asleep. I am now sitting in the waiting room the doctor said when she is done she will come it and bring the pictures to go over.

I always took my teddy bear with me. My parents said that I came out into the recovery room and told them that they tried putting the scope in the bear. I don't remember any of that. :p

Glad the scope looked good! Hope for an all clear from the biopsies. :D
So glad everything looks good, hope they can give her something to help manage the pain.
So glad to hear it looked good...sorry about the fights re:prep. I feel that it is an awful lot to drink (64 ounces of gatorade...Izz no longer likes it! :()
Hi All,
We met with Caitlyn's GI today and she will have a colonoscopy on Thursday. I am renewing this thread because I am trying to decide which prep to do. He gave her the scrip for golytlely and she is like no way am I doing that one. I am debating mag citrate vs miralax. I'd like to hear from people who have done both and get their opinions.
My son and daughter did Miralax.
We mixed it with power-aide (clear kind) and they could take it.
Second scope for Grace miralax also but put through the much better.

I pray scopes go well.
DS had a clean out - non prep with mag citrate
And colon prep with miralax.
The mag citrate is easy from the only drink two cups of the stuff
But takes longer to work
Causes cramping and things are really explosive iykwim
Miralax lots of fluids ( nausea ).
Takes a long time for fluids
But easier and smoother bm's
We did the golytely the first time and Jack said never again. Miralax the second time and mixed it with a jug of clear gatorade, he said the miralax was way better. He was throwing up the whole time with the go lytely and no problems with the miralax. He was supposed to drink 2 32oz jugs but was clean after 1.
We do Miralax here and DS said to only mix half the dose with Gatorade and the other half with water so of she gets sick of the Gatorade taste she can switch back and forth. I think Miralax takes a little longer to work too so plan ahead. We did it too late last time and he was falling asleep on the toilet.
We mix Miralax with Gatorade (32 oz I believe). We start early in the morning (between 8-9 AM) and usually she is going pretty good by noon. Our GI wants the mixture to be drank in a 4 hour period and that is difficult for A. After about 15-20 oz she usually starts feeling very nauseous and vomits.

Initially our GI had her take a Dulcolax the night prior to the prep to "get things moving" but that caused her to be up ALL NIGHT with intense cramps. Never again. He said we could try the Ex-Lax chocolates instead but A cleans out really well without it.

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