Best way to get my carbs, but with low calories?

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Jul 7, 2010
Hey guys, Does anyone know what foods are very high in carbs? I am currently ?dieting? but I mean a gain-weight diet. I have a calorie counter and I meet my quota of 3200cal everyday but i'm always about 100 carbs under of what i'm suppose to be eating.

So what's like a easy snack or something thats high in carbs? And also preferably good for a crohn's stomach.
i'd love to know the answer to this too!! im clueless when it comes to diet, but after i had surgery i lost weight and no way am i wantingto put it back on again!!
Calories are the energy in food
carbohydrates are a form of calories.
Carbohydrates are mostly plant-based foods - fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes - with the exception of dairy products, which are animal-based carbohydrates.

The body is like a multi-fuel stove
It burns carbs,
It burns Fat,
if it runs out of both it starts burning muscle

Fat: 1 gram = 9 calories
Protein: 1 gram = 4 calories
Carbohydrates: 1 gram = 4 calories
Alcohol: 1 gram = 7 calories

short list, not complete (based on paleo nutrition)...........
good carbohydrates.
Bananas, Plantain, Sweet Potatoes, White rice,Pumpkin Turnips, Carrots, all green vegies, fruit in moderation,
bad Carbohydrates
sugar, wheat in particular, grains in general (except white rice),soy, peanuts, legumes

good fats
olive oil (uncooked), avocado, tallow, ghee (not paleo but still good).
bad fats .
all processed seed oils (highly processed and very high in omega 6, you need a tiny amount but we get WAY too much and it cases inflammation)

good protein
the best sources of protein are unprocessed meats
bad protein
Proteins in milk, eggs, grains, nuts and legumes are common allergens

I only started gaining weight after i went paleo,
It's about how well you digest and absorb the food, not how much you eat
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You would need to choose what you want first, complex or simple carbs.

Simple carbs are predominantly monosaccharide and disaccharide, complex are polysaccharide. A simple carb would taste sweet, honey, fruit, sugar, candy. A complex carb doesn't taste sweet at all, rice, pasta, bread.

SCD diet recommends simple carbs because 'according to the diet' they are taken up much faster in the blood, and complex carbs need to be broken down into simple carbs first. Some studies have shown that the difference is not that big as first assumed thoguh.

If you look at a normal, non-crohn, diet, most will base their suggestions on the glycemic index, they don't care how fast or slow something gets digested (and unlike what they used to think, some complex carbs have a high glycemic index, even though they are categorised as 'slow digesting', bread, rice, etc), they care about the raise in blood sugar, and most tend to want to limit the raise and there is an inherent assumption that everything that tastes sweet is automatically bad, since many of those diets focus on weight loss. The glycemic index measure blood sugar and the insulin response. Complex carbs are also often suggested too because they are more complete, they offer the most nutritional value.
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