Biopsy wait?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 22, 2011
My colonoscopy was tuesday afternoon. The doc said he thinks it's crohns
But would notify me when the biopsy gets back. I know I am getting impatiant. How long does it take? I know the stool samples take 4 days throw. Told me that info.

Thanks in advance.

hi mate,i had colonoscopy couple of weeks ago and my results were in after a week but dont take my results being the same.but maybe give them a phone on monday or tuesday
I was told between 6-8 weeks in UK and it was roughly in this time limit. Very frustrating! Keep ringing GP/GI for results though.
thats strange as when i had my colonoscopy i was in the hosp the next week to get my humira jag and the nurse had my biopsy results there and then,
The Doc called today, he had the results last friday, so that was 4 days including the day of the colonoscopy.
I think my results were so long due to Christmas and also staffing. Everyone does seem to have got them much quicker.

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