Bleeding. Help :(

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Hello, I'm new here.

I've had Crohns for a fair few years now, for the past year I've bled on and off.
This time it hasn't really stopped in three/four days and I'm getting a bit worried so I was wondering if anyone could offer any advice or maybe just succeed in calming me down :(
It's quite bright blood and it's heavy enough to be dripping. Is it normal? I have had it drip before, I'm just not sure it's lasted this long.
Thank you.
Only doctors performing some sort of scope exam (sigmoidoscope or colonoscopy) can determine the source/nature of the bleeding. Although its possible the blood (esp since it's bright red in color) is coming from haemmerhoids (internal/external)
BUT that's a big assumption.. AND your bleeding is increasing AND, even if just a hemmerhoid, these can become serious enuff that surgery is required. Left alone, they typically just get worse... If it is just hemms, your doctor can probably give you a prescription strength treatment that should help resolve them.. IF not hemms., then you need to find out ASAP, and get it treated, OK?

As for your blood loss, I know it can be extremely upsetting. I lost so much my doctors thought I was exxagerating/miscalculating. So I took my new digital camera and took photos. Once they saw the pix, they got me into the hospital, got me scoped. That's when they discovered how bad things were, and put me on the schedule for an 'urgent' operation. In stead of waiting for months, I was operated on in a few short weeks.. my previous op I waited for over six months, getting worse day by day... Believe me, you would rather avoid that!!
Yes it can be very upsetting!! I've had the bleeding come back,hadn't had any in quite a while. I saw Dr. She said if it keeps up I should come back and see her. So I think 3 days or so is normal as it goes, but i'm not a dr. just someone who has lived through it. I get the bright type also, i think its due to a flare up
Hi Lulu,

If you have been bleeding before and it hasnt gone on as long as this time or hasnt been as much as this time and you are concerned go and get checked out.

Thing bout docs is they do a complete assessment and need to see you where as we only guess and dont know much about diagnosis and treatment aspects in relation to YOU.

In the long run your mind is put at rest much earlier and the extra stress you are putting on yourself now worrying about it could only aggravate your IBD.

Hope you go get things resolved soon. Thinking of you.

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