Blisters between toes (on Remicade and methotrexate)

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May 14, 2014
Does this sound familiar to anyone? My son has 4-5 small blisters on the side of his second toe. The blisters are not tiny like the ones I saw in photographs of dyshydriosis. They are about 3-4 mm wide and one is a little bigger. They are smooth and don't appear to be warts. He believes they have been there for a while. They don't have the depressurized center of a moluscum lesion. Since they are between toes, they are not in an area that would make contact with a gym floor or other surface. Also, it is not an area that rubs against a shoe since it is between toes. Any ideas?
I'm going to tag my little penguin, I think her son dealt with something similar. Although, thinking about it her DS may have dealt with cellulitis.

Hope you find answers soon.
You really need for him to see a dermo.
DS had two things - cellulitis from a plantars wart - but that got red with streaks really painful quickly.

On the toes - DS had flat smooth deep blisters that kept forming on the sides of both big toes and and later filling with blood.the skin was really thick above them and the blisters kept growin together deep under the skin. Even though it wasn't like the pics it still was dyshirotic eczema. Dermo gave us two to three creams and steriods and it cleared up within two weeks. It is allergy driven in DS case so when pollen count is high - he gets its .
Thankfully it is out grown by age 14/15

Either way a dermo is going to be able to determine just what is going on in your case.
That is my typical experience with skin issues, MLP.-- only the derm gets it right.
I suspected the dyshydriosis because he complains his feet are warm and often takes off his shoes, etc. But the sites don't itch. They don't bother him at all. Did your son complain of symptoms?

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