Bloody nose from medications??

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May 31, 2014
I have been struggling to find the causes of inflammation and extreme pain in my Achilles I typed in Crohns and tendons- found out it was due to Cipro. Pain is awful, scared I'm going to rupture it...and there is a curious bump "growing" on top of the inflammation on tendon. I stopped taking both Cipro and Flagyl 2 days ago and stills uffering....

Another issue I am having trouble targeting is a bloody, extremely sore if someone punched me square in the nose. I experienced this 1 year ago and it lasted up to 8's back. I'm wondering if this is ALSO a side effect of drugs- however, I know that it is not caused by Cip/Flag cuz this is my first time taking the medications.

The only drug I was on and am still on is Lialda. Any advice???
Not heard of either of those side effects, but I'm not too familiar with Cipro or Flagyl. I would suggest speaking with your GI or family doctor on Monday if you're in a lot of pain from your achillies and also mention the nose bleeds.

I take mesalamine (Pentasa, which I think is a similar formulation to Lialda?) and noticed that the third day in I started getting pain in my shins. But it's been a few more days since then and it seems to have passed now. I have heard of other people getting joint pain with mesalamine as well.
Why were you on Cipro/Flagyl, and did you ask your doctor about stopping them? I have heard of what you're talking about with your achilles, though, and that is something to look out for.

Is your IBD active?