Bottle of mag. And 3 cap fills of marlax and nothing?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 27, 2012
For the last three days I have lost my app., been throwing up and have has sharp pain come and go. I have a few partial obstructions before and that's what it feels like again.

Anyways I am prepping for a signoclopsy (sp) and had to drink a 10 oz bottle of citrus mag. And take 3 caps of marlax 6 hrs ago and NOTHING??

Is this normal??

Doing all I can not to throw up
Are you still allowed to drink water? If so, I would try that. Also, walking around as much as you can should hopefully get things going. I feel for you- citrus mag was the worst and most painful prep I have ever taken. Good luck!
You just wrote Grace's thread. lol and she's FOUR.

Yup, mag. + 3 adult doses of Miralax when she's in FUlLL flare. Still didn't work perfect.
Did I mention she is FOUR!

I hope all gets fixed soon.

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