I went in today for my colonoscopy and endoscopy (so my consultant could check on how disease progressing). Despite having numerous conversations with hospital stating how I find the bowel prep impossible - was told that couldnt have any tablets as these only available in America and not in UK, so Sunday starting preparing, only eating white food, no lumps then yesterday morning at 7am drank 1st bottle of fleet which apparently was supposed to be ginger and lemon flavour - managed to get it down in two goes and then spent following hour with my hand over my mouth as it kept trying to escape back up - even as I am typing this I am dry retching as I remember how bad it was. Anyway rest of day on fluids only - I never want to see jelly again as long as I live or lemonade for that matter, didnt take the 2nd bottle of fleet at 7pm because I had been peeing water out my bum all day and had the worst headache ever. Got to hospital at 8.00 today as was told to and then had to sit in waiting room for 2 and half hours before I even saw nurse (by which time my head was coming off). Eventually went in and had procedures which despite being sedated for seemed to be awake for a lot of it unfortunately except the relevant bit at the end when the consultant sees fit to discuss his findings and you can barely keep your eyes open - only got a bit of one sentence which said something about changing my medication but wont know more for a couple of weeks. I am sure all of this is very familiar to everyone, bowel prep is truly awful which begs the question why cant they come up with something less horrific and why are there no tablets available in the uk - are we years behind the united states or something? When you consider what crohns sufferers have to put up with on a day to day basis it would be nice if the doctors could be a bit more sympathic to our plight, my stomach currently feels like it has been turned inside out!!:depressed: