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- Mar 23, 2010
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I was recently diagnosed with Crohns, after a few years of dealing with the abdominal cramping. My first visit to the dr., I was prescribed Pentasa and Flagyl. The next day when I began taking the meds I had severe discomfort in the pelvic area, it felt like I had to urinate, but in actuality did not. The pain did not go away and over the next couple of days it began radiating down into the testicles. In the meantime I had stopped the Pentasa, as I had been on Flagyl once before with no issues. This was during Thanksgiving week so I had to wait for Monday to speak with the Dr., she then put me on prednisone. This took away the problems immediately. Next visit, I am put on 6mp and told to resume Pentasa. No problems until I start to taper the prednisone, within a few days of going down to 10 mgs of prednisone, I get the same pressurized feeling I had before, just now not so much in the bladder area, but appendix region. I go to the ER, where I am told they need to do a bowel resection or at least remove the appendix. Both of my Dr.'s insist there is no way Pentasa could have been related, but the timelines seem too coincidental. They did remove quite a bit of large intestine and a small amount of small. I was recovering very well, or so I thought. Had surgery on 2/25/10, was released on 3/2/10 and within 6 days was feeling super. May have overdone it and was pretty sore the next couple of days, but then on 3/13/10, abruptly began draining from the drain site from the surgery, mind you the subcutaneous healing drainage had stopped for days at this point. Went to ER, was admitted and discovered the internal connection of small to large intestine had opened slightly. I am now home, as the Dr. wants to let this heal naturally. He is saying that it is likely due to poor healing from the 6mp and prednisone. I believe him, but why did I recover so well and then get worse. Also the biggest question I have is that why does it appear to not be getting any better? The discharge has not abated at all in a week. I was wondering if it takes time for the prednisone to work its way out of the system, I was quickly tapered from the prednisone, but had none of the side effects listed for prednisone withdrawl. Has anyone dealt with something like this? Thanks.